We should add that all of these rights should be the baseline for EVERYONE, regardless of race, gender, orientation, and all the other lines of division the fascists love to exploit.
We could adjust it a little, but FDR's list is what Democrats should be fighting for. Honestly, I can't tell WHAT many Democrats are for. These days, they only seem to say what they are against. That's a loser, message-wise.
Yes, we have to fight the things Trump wants to do, but the reason we are in this position is because we are afraid to say the simple truths that FDR laid out. People like Bernie, AOC, Elizabeth and a few others are not afraid, but they are attached mercilessly by the Republicans and the mainstream media they control, and kneecapped by he Democrats like Pelosi who are almost eld enough to have heard FDR's speech live, yet rarely articulate any of these basic principles.
And beyond these values and principles, we need to offer the public bold proposals to make these principles a reality. THere is a difference between the principle and an actual proposed agenda. The agenda needs to be specific and full of action. Forr example
"We will return the top tax bracket to where it was after WWII when we built the strongest middle class the world has ever seen. We will require the billionaires to pay their fair share. We will put half of that money into the Social Security and Medicare funds, making them solvent into the 22nd century. We will put the other half directly into reducing our national debt, which is effectively a tax on our children and grandchildren."
That is just one example to show action words (in bold face.) We could debate the exact proposals, but we will never win a governing majority until we have a leader who is willing to campaign fearlessly with populist ideas like these.