General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsI'm out. I cannot watch tomorrow's debate.
As many of you know, I have diagnosed anxiety and it's dialed up to 15 on a 1-10 scale when I think about it. So I will tuned in to women's basketball and watch the debate replay if it goes well. Good luck, everyone.

(21,205 posts)if you don't feel up to it. In fact, it shows a lot of self awareness to be able to recognize that. Sometimes I cheat by not watching but peeking at DU occasionally. Pro tip.
(24,876 posts)Siwsan
(27,446 posts)But I am going to try to watch the debate, even if it means hitting the mute button when ever the convicted felon starts vomiting out lies.
I'll take my anxiety medication, of course.
(18,093 posts)I can totally understand and appreciate your feelings!
(65,716 posts)I don't know how long I'll last. I also have anxiety and I spent most of the first debate hiding in my bedroom.
(90,301 posts)Comcast has notified us that they are updating the system in town. We will lose the internet, phone and TV. They have no clue how long it will take. If I get desperate I will take my pad and sit in my car in the town next to us...not sure if they will be connected either.
Of all days!
(24,309 posts)like a corporate plan to keep people from seeing Kamala.
(90,301 posts)I am just pissed that it is tomorrow.
(24,309 posts)And Id be pissed too. Maybe theres a livestream on YouTube?
(8,281 posts)Meadowoak
(6,410 posts)chicoescuela
(1,875 posts)Im going to go to my grandsons baseball game instead.
(64,074 posts)

(1,875 posts)Much easier for my anxiety
(7,619 posts)FalloutShelter
(13,132 posts)Ill live blog here and watch the clips afterwards.
I simply cannot listen to or look at that POS.
I cant be screaming at the tv.
I couldnt watch in the debate with Joe either.
I felt much better with the help of the DU community on the live blog. CU there.
(3,061 posts)The Roux Comes First
(1,634 posts)I admit it is a revelation how many anxious self-awares there are here who are actively making great choices.
I'm a bit of a luddite by comparison. Up to the B/T debate and the D convention, I do not recall purposely attending to any such event for years, mostly checking in for later commentary after the flames were out. But I believe it was largely due to a slightly subconscious sense that the live stuff, especially with a sociopath on the stage (and gwb fit squarely there, too) was a bit edgy for me.
Thanks to you all for your plain-speaking!
(6,671 posts)
(108,317 posts)walk a few miles with my Sophie. That's my plan...
But I do not in any way diminish the anxiety potential.
Hang in there.
Silent Type
(8,619 posts)was in a file mood for several months, etc. My big mistake then was I was a regular participant on a bipartisan political discussion board.
Plenty of good Democrats, but plenty in bush cult. Christ, there were even a few honest to gawd Oklahoma klansmen posting. I learned some lessons.
Take care.
(14,029 posts)Springsteen played a few songs and introduced Kerry.
(29,031 posts)No Springsteen but Kerry made a great speech, targeted to the Pacific Northwest, clearly not cookie cutter, and it was well attended, even though it was raining. When I put on the news, their coverage was simply that he took his wife to the most expensive restaurant in town for their anniversary.
That will probably be how the debate is covered. Harris could walk on water and create a force field at the border and we'll just hear that Trump "won" if he manages not to drool on his tie.
(1,633 posts)I guess it could still happen, but I haven't heard anything about it.
(64,074 posts)Zero tolerance for pootin's ASSet.
I'll be watching comments here
(7,772 posts)It's so much easier to get the short version and analysis afterward.
(64,074 posts)Then watch clips of whichever portions are of interest.
I'll be looking in here & staying busy.
(308,395 posts)Diagnosed Anxiety. I havent watched a debate since bush VS Gore.
Thank Goodness for DU 🕯️🕊️💙🌊🇺🇸
Mz Pip
(28,022 posts)If Mr Pip wants to watch it, Ill check in maybe. We didnt watch the Biden debate. We went for pizza and margaritas instead.
Im so nervous about the election Im not even going to be in the country. Will do my absentee ballot when it comes. We're flying to Lisbon on November 4. I plan to be knocked out with jet lag on November 5.
(23,357 posts)Im planning to go to bed early because I have an early appointment in Wednesday.
Besides, my watching wont affect anything. Im voting a straight Democratic ballot.
In the following days, well hear and read what the world thinks.
I cant get worked up about things I cant control.
(23,534 posts) keep me from getting worked up about this!
need to VOTE in record numbers.
I think we all are very cautious right now. I'm thinking of watching it on C Span, I wish Kamala all the best she is my only choice. I hate the felon. He's so mentally deranged.
Another donation may be coming her way that's how I work out my frustration.
(38,982 posts)RobinA
(10,272 posts)but will not this time.
Harris - I'm for the middle class.
Trump - word salad word salad word salad revenge word salad salad word word revenge salad
(14,029 posts)Ive seen more than enough of him.
Ill check here for reaction, opinions and links to
(21,733 posts)I may watch if it goes well but I cant handle the anxiety! I honestly dont understand how candidates handle the pressure.
Oopsie Daisy
(5,428 posts)* on short YouTube clips.
(3,960 posts)No sense putting yourself through that. I saw my therapist today. She asked my anxiety level on a scale of 1 to 10. I said seven and depression is at 6. I said there are moments I feel hopeful, but the anxiety is always lurking. She suggested turning off main stream media, but I rarely watch it anyway, only if there is a major breaking stories, and then only MSNBC. I usually get news here or from Washington Post. I told her I can't stand to hear his voice or see his face, so I won't watch the debate.
She said to just keep up with my distraction skills like reading, spending time with my dog and cat etc. I have been trying.
She also said she would feel better if I am not alone election night. My sister is planning on staying overnight in the guest room.
(67,668 posts)gave you all great ideas. I think many of us have the same anxiety about the outcome.
We all need to vote our lives depend on it (preaching to the choir). But I have hope we can get Kamala and Tim to the finish line.
(3,960 posts)I believe they have been brought up in a more inclusive time, and aren't willing to loose the freedoms they have come to know. I am hoping they show up in record numbers. That will definitely help the Democrats, if they do.
(648 posts)Ultimately its not going affect how I vote. And its just very difficult to watch drumpf and that fish mouth of his
(31,743 posts)That is it! He is a goldfish. A demented goldfish.
(7,512 posts)I won't be watching live either, but will record it while reading the commentaries here in DU.
I want to hear Harris though, so while watching the replay I'll fast-forward over Dump (nothing he says is worth listening to).
(10,611 posts)Either anxiety or high blood pressure will get me.
That, and screaming at the TV.
My Pro Tip is to always follow the play-by-play on DU. That way, I know what's happening, without having to hear him, or see him, or be triggered by him in any way.
I am forever grateful to all the DU'ers who take one for the team, time and time again. They are all rock
(10,334 posts)bdamomma
(67,668 posts)I was thinking of blocking off with paper half of TV . I rather just give my attention to VP Kamala.
Evolve Dammit
(20,265 posts)blogslug
(38,761 posts)In case you want to do it ahead of time 😎
A coin flip was held virtually on Tuesday to determine the podium placement and the order of closing statements; former President Trump won the coin toss and chose to select the order of statements. The former president will offer the last closing statement, and Vice President Harris selected the right podium position on screen, i.e., stage left.
There will be no opening statements, and closing statements will be two minutes per candidate.
Each candidate will be allotted two minutes to answer each question with a two-minute rebuttal, and an additional minute for a follow-up, clarification, or response...

(29,169 posts)If they do, it'll be a refreshing change.
(67,668 posts)I know I'll be here for all comments. Depends on my mood and anxiety level if I will watch. I know he will be up to his bully tricks and just throwing out his Gish gallop.
Thank goodness for DU.
If you had to pick moderators, who would you choose??
(38,761 posts)Give the debates back to The League of Women Voters, I say!
(10,611 posts)Never thought of doing that. Thank you!
Dennis Donovan
(29,614 posts)I didn't watch the Trump/Biden debate because I fell asleep beforehand, but woke up just in time for the destressing post-mortems. I felt like I dodged a bullet by not seeing it live.
Despite my anxiety dx, I'm going to watch this one - wish me luck. Ativan is my co-pilot!
BTW, your prolific posting here on DU reminds me of a DUer we lost in the early years of the site. His handle was Khephra and was also quite prolific in his postings. Your posting habits remind me of his - we were all deeply grateful for his hard work on keeping us informed and deeply saddened to when we learned he suddenly passed away (I believe it was in 2004-2005). I bring him up because I want to thank you for all your hard work on keeping DU informed, stocked with fresh content and your overall commitment to this site.
Have a peaceful night tomorrow, and every other night Randy! Thank you again!
(4,587 posts)I'm not worried about the Vice President's abilities to debate. What worries me is the inability of the MSM to deal fairly with **$$Y-Grabber. I just know they'll whitewash anything he says to make it sound semi-sane.
In any case, he'll make the case for us by blathering bullshit to those who are watching. That's all he's capable of doing. He has no ideas. He has no policies. He has no understanding. He has nothing. If I searched high & low throughout this country of ours, I don't think I could find a more unsuitable candidate for president. He is disgusting to the Nth degree. And the repigs who are enabling him are just as bad.
(72,485 posts)She will never do anything right in the MSMs eyes.
(5,900 posts)Why debate a chronic liar, habitual criminal and democracy hating pig like Dump? It's a worthless effort and just brings down everyone.
Evolve Dammit
(20,265 posts)
(107 posts)Permanut
(6,873 posts)I won't watch live, will wait until Reid, Maddow, Wallace et al weigh in.
(7,264 posts)Since they are not real debates, I will wait for the MSNBC interpretation.
Think. Again.
(21,600 posts)...I'm thinking I might limit my exposure to only positive content for a while, we ARE doing well, and I can just ride that wave for a while.
(847 posts)If we got to bang the gong to have one of the contestants grabbed by the hook and hauled off stage, we would all want to participate. But ABC won't provide us with a gong, and they won't deploy a hook, so they will lose many potential DU viewers.
The Third Doctor
(423 posts)I also have anxiety issues. I may tune out the rest of the week.
(645 posts)Also, I'm bringing home supper - off work at 6:30 and I'll be way too stressed to cook. Also, I won't be knitting my way through it, or I'll ruin the piece past saving. This has all the feeling of a horror show, and I hate horror shows.
I keep telling myself that she's damned good at what she does, and he's just a lousy two-bit criminal. If the moderators are worth anything, they'll keep it under as much control as is possible when Trump is involved. And if he goes off the rails, that's good for our side.
(23,546 posts)I know what they're going to do.
Muffle her mic, use horrible camera angles and lighting on her, and make Trump look like he's 10 feet tall in a holy movie.
Fuck that shit
Now that we know what corporate media is willing to resort to, there never should have been a second televised debate agreed to.
Just my 2¢.
(2,493 posts)the stage past her to trump. she'll look 4ft tall and he'll look 10ft tall.
He'll talk non stop, trying to rattle her while the moderators will bounce back and forth of being terrified to stop him and fawning over his every word he says.
I agree with the person up thread, I kinda wish this debate never happened.
(67,668 posts)just posted something about how no lifts should be used the felon mentioned this and called Comrade Kamala, project much????
He's such a filthy POS.
(29,169 posts)"Well, he didn't drop the N bomb. He did, but that's just Trump being Trump."
"Her nail polish wasn't tres chic."
(23,546 posts)I already know what to expect from the corporate.
(29,169 posts)Day after I'll check with the DU and DriveWeSaid gangs. Both have well calibrated crap detectors and call 'em as they see 'em.
(36,594 posts)I think youre in good company. Husband said he will watch in another room.
(13,513 posts)The sight of him and the sound of his voice makes me physically ill. I even hate it when ppl here post pics or videos of him.
(758 posts)My ex is also experiencing bad anxiety issues over this fucking prick. She's now on drugs just to get her to election day. Lord only knows what will happen to her if the con man wins.
This is total bullshit. Politics was NEVER meant to be like this. All of this, just because of the narcissist.
(39,199 posts)Politics was never the means to take over a country and change its governing system to authoritarian from democratic, but that's what he's trying to do. Since the media has failed us and the legal system has also failed to do its job in a timely manner, we're left to voting.
Which is not an altogether bad thing, but it's extremely disappointing (putting it mildly) that these institutions have failed to prevent this preposterous fool into getting into a position of leadership for this country.
(36,631 posts)vankuria
(947 posts)I cant watch either but Ill catch some highlights later on you tube.
(92 posts)I can't wait until Kamala's like: "i'm speaking, don't interrupt me". Trump's gonne be like: "yeah, that's the problem", and the world will know Trump's a misogynist jerk!
Ferrets are Cool
(22,094 posts)
(2,504 posts)
(43,474 posts)
Evolve Dammit
(20,265 posts)Bengus81
(8,281 posts)moonscape
(5,452 posts)myself. I have anxiety also, am famous w/ friends for shutting down, re politics because the stress hits me too hard. I was excited for the Biden debate but turned it off within 5 min, texted a friend and she texted back not good. Checked back in an hour, hoping for a change, but again turned off the tv.
Now, Im excited again because I dont think there will be a surprise the way there was with Biden. I think shell do great. In a way, Im too nervous not to watch.
So yeah, Ill be watching, only not sure if with meds or straight-up
(20,199 posts)I hate the man esp as an NYC'r, otoh soooo impressed w Kamala!
But I have to see, and hear them, and mods for myself - no filter from anyone. Will split screen, and follow postings here.
I'll tune in after to our MSNBC talkers, and
catch Brian Lerher (WNYC) as well [back & forth].
(39,199 posts)I'll be watching and checking in with Brian, too. But I'll also watch straight up on MSNBC. I have no anxiety over politics except for the major things like the elections. I'm surprised to learn so many people have anxiety.
One other thing: I'm sure she's going to kick his a@@#$ 40 ways from Sunday. I wouldn't miss it for the world. It's great that we have these tools to watch alternatively later on, so nobody has to miss anything if they don't want to.
edited to add:
I'll be writiing my postcards to N. Carolina voters while I watch. Probably have a big text conversation going on with my friends.
Ms. Toad
(36,186 posts)I watched the Biden debate - and wished I hadn't within the first 5 minutes. But by then I was too afraid to turn it off.
I'll probably watch intermittently. By the time it is on, I'll be deep in the middle of baking bread - so it won't be solid watching, at least.
(6,702 posts)and it follows their pattern. If Kamala has so much as one hair out of place they will say she looked "frazzled". If she doesn't have a hair out of place they will say she appeared to be "too perfect" and not relatable to average voters.
(36,594 posts)Greybnk48
(10,493 posts)I'm still heartsick about that, even though I love both Kamala and Tim. I'll just watch the post-mortem. they'll show everything over and over.
(54,505 posts)to see how it's going.
ms liberty
(10,026 posts)I totally get it and
I am totally there. Happens for me, too!
(9,436 posts)Randy, I bet a WHOLE lot of other folks won't be watching in real time either....It's commendable that you know not to do something that may effect your health.
I have my annual Psychiatrist appointment scheduled tomorrow at 3:30 p.m. It's via zoom (which is fine by me).
He a great guy and detests dt. He's not a therapy Dr. but monitors my meds (antidepressants, and anti-anxiety). I have plenty of the anti-anxiety on hand but I'm probably not going to watch in real time either anyway.
I may be checking out things off and on here on DU but if the ABC moderators are being d**ks/a**holes to V.P. Harris, I probably won't even hop on here. I already have my favorite Monk episodes picked out (It's my favorite fun detective series that normally ups my vibe) to watch in lieu of the debate.
I went out to dinner last night with five friends and only one is going to watch in real time because they don't think they can take it either......
At this point, I'm praying, meditating, and visualizing.
(43,445 posts)He triggered me. and I cried for 2 days and stayed in bed. I won't even tell you how I felt when Hilary lost. I will follow the debate on DU. Good luck my friend and to all of us who will take care of their health by not watching that evil man.
(6,429 posts).
Can't watch them live in playoffs for 30 yrs
(3,586 posts)I doubt I'll learn anything from the debate that I don't already know, and nothing that happens will change who I vote for. So I'll just keep my fingers crossed that Kamala knocks it out of the park, and read about it here on DU!
(31,313 posts)Do I watch it first round, or read DU first?
One minute I'm not, the next I am.
Geez, I'm waffling like two bit Republicans,
but it's their fault, so I'm taking myself
off the hook.
Now I want to see Sarah Cooper on
How to Waffle.
(10,588 posts)MaryMagdaline
(7,934 posts)Emile
(33,024 posts)walznotwalls
(92 posts)BigMin28
(1,618 posts)I know Vice President Harris will do well. But I just can't watch and listen to that wretched creature. It fills me with anxiety and an anger I have felt for no one else ever.
(24,876 posts)Murphyb849
(607 posts)birdographer
(2,821 posts)Just like the last one. When it became clear the moderators were giving Donnie a free pass to stomp all over the rules and ignore questions, I lost interest. This go-round, the first time the moderator does not cut in when Donnie goes back to an earlier question to spout gibberish, I will turn it off. And I have little doubt that is what will happen. The moderators are as bought and paid for as SCOTUS, MSM, and every network. Idiots.
Bird Lady
(1,984 posts)If trumps mic was muted for the entire time. If he says anything intelligent I'll see it in the replay.
I am at the point where his voice is a trigger and I don't like what it is triggering.
Lemon Lyman
(1,481 posts)So many people (I'm sure plenty of people who aren't DU members) want to vomit just seeing his face and hearing his voice. It isn't even the sh*tty policies (they're bad enough). He's just SO EVERYWHERE ALL THE TIME. GO THE F AWAY!!!!!!!
(199 posts)since the first Obama go around. I find them useless, given they won't change many minds anyway.
In addition - if you're still on the fence between Harris/Trump, you're an idiot. The guy is a convict.
(35,357 posts)bdamomma
(67,668 posts)will be having pre and post debate analysis on her Y tube channel. Mary Trump Media.
I think she will be pretty good to listen too.
(53,544 posts)If I am able I will watch it. Otherwise watch the recording.
(10,267 posts)I'll have a nervous breakdown.
(113,131 posts)I'll probably watch live blogging if I watch anything at all.
After all, this is not going to change my mind. I know what TFG is. I willl vote against him even if I can't vote for Harris. It's the same way I felt in 2016 and 2020.
(31,675 posts)A great deal doesn't pass the smell test.
(113,131 posts)The rich were already there. Nixon brought in organized crime and the southern and mudwestern buigots. Reagan pandered to all the crackpot religions, especially the ones that labeled women subhuman. Bush/Cheney saw the party going full fascist. TFG is supposed to bring all that together in a dictatorship: he's still rich enough, hea crook, he gives lip service to reluigious crazies, and he's a malignant narcissist who thinks he's already our king. Running for office is only a formality, the last one was rigged, his people will make sure this one goes his way, then nobody will have to worry about voting ever again.
If he gets beaten this time, his ego will compel him to run again in 4 years, at the age of 82. The GOP will likely comply, they have no principles or policies left, only the larger than life fat felon with the pep rally following.
They need to stumble off to the elephants' graveyard, alread, but they'll keep sputtering on until rich men find a home elsewhere.
(124,918 posts)Last edited Mon Sep 9, 2024, 10:39 PM - Edit history (1)
and I was so filled by anxiety we would react by running out of my parents den when Benson would score a point. It was a physical way to lett off some steam. Beer may have been involved and maybe my two brothers and a friend of theirs.
Now that I am on meds for ptsd i can tolerate much more.
(2,923 posts)Not in the least worried about Harris.
She is a woman. She has a woman's wisdom that will flow comfortingly over all of us.
Charlie Chapulin
(344 posts)I have such a visceral reaction to seeing the Orange Guy in real time. I wish Kamala all the best.
Fortunately I have prolotherapy session scheduled at the same time as the debate and would rather endure that as it will bring physical relief from some aches and pains.
(177,382 posts)That's the most important thing.
(9,989 posts)msfiddlestix
(8,009 posts)where I will likely be hanging. I will not watch, I'm likely to peek in with the live threads here on DU. If I'm at the meeting, I might use my phone to check in now and then.
But I refuse to feed the beast which enabled tsf psychotic to get this far.
It's not going to really be a debate on any level.
(14,007 posts)Reading the word salad would be entertaining. Listening to it would drive me screaming onto the freeway.
(31,443 posts)
(1,677 posts)Watching TV is not ideal.
Polly Hennessey
(7,732 posts)I will, as usual, count on the braver DU souls to keep me informed. My instincts tell me that Kamala will do a great job 👏
(11,054 posts)appreciate those of you who watch and post. Ill check in on Maddow and Lawrence for post debate comments.
Tree Lady
(12,267 posts)Is our first day there. Will be at dinner during debate. I think watching it after on YouTube after checking here sounds better for my high blood pressure.
(36,488 posts)...and what's the point of raising my blood pressure when nothing either candidate can say would change my vote. I won't give TFG an audience, not even a hostile one.
(13,913 posts)And most of all, lay bare how dangerous he is to the country & the world order.
(38,823 posts)and I can't stand listening to trump.
(17,597 posts)ramapo
(4,757 posts)No way I sit and watch this asshole lie his ass off. I value my mental health. My watching won't help anything.
(5,319 posts)Frances
(8,582 posts)No text
(47,753 posts)There probably won't be anything you can't miss. People will catch you up on the details.
(24,309 posts)Id feel a whole lot better if ABC hadnt agreed to cut the felons mic. I wish you a relaxing evening tomorrow and we will see you on the flip side.
(64,852 posts)doc03
(37,548 posts)moondust
(20,782 posts)I mute him and look away whenever he appears on my teevee.
Besides, any relevant points will be covered later in the "analysis."
(2,944 posts)I will watch the post debate coverage with either Hal Sparks, Mary Trump and friends, or Boston Brian.
Even then, if it stresses me out too much, then I will give it a pass. It won't change my mind. I have been voting straight Dem for 51 years.
I understand the anxiety, I'm right there with all of you.
Sending hugs to all .
Keep our eyes on the prize: Vote, GOTV.
To quote our dear Aristus: I love you all.
(7,688 posts)I know Kamala has a big hammer, and I want to watch that pathetic effer squirm and cry.
Shes been my pick since the early days (I live in NorCal), so I know whats going to happen to that poor little Loser.
Oh yeah. Get him, Kamala.
(162,381 posts)I am, however, very thankful to the DUers who watch and report
(727 posts)...for your own mental and overall health. Thanks for sharing with us.
(9,950 posts)I may have it on, but muted with captions. And if I do, I'll probably watch blindfolded.
(67,668 posts)cover up half of screen with a sheet or big towel or paper.
But everyone here has the same sentiments about watching or not watching. Those who do watch thank you, and I know I will be checking in here and listening to Mary Trump and her Nerd Avengers.
(9,950 posts)So I will try it for a while. If I need to mute and put up CC, I will.
(5,073 posts)I'm going to start watching it. Hubby and I both have been looking forward to (first) seeing if it will happen; and then what will happen. I am giving myself permission to go back to the bedroom and stream Supernatural or Once Upon a Time if the debate gets to intense, or I get to frustrated at trump. Otherwise, I plan on opening a bottle of mead and running the Bingo Card as a game with hubster.
Grandson has excused himself from watching... he'll hear plenty from this end of the house, no doubt, tho! (LOL)
(290 posts)Just wish I didn't need to protect my liver.
Response to RandySF (Original post)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(35,823 posts)I can smell the fear and defeat all around you.
(29,169 posts)Hugin
(35,823 posts)Dispensed with in the usual manner.
(29,169 posts)Well, he did get a piping hot DU pizza. As always thank you.
(7,395 posts)Harris and Biden. I liked both candidates then, so I said in another post it was like watching your parents fighting.
I saw the Dumpy vs. Hillary in 2016 one where he stalked her around the stage all night.
I saw the Obama vs. Romney and his "binders of women" statement in 2012.
I saw Biden vs. Paul Ryan in 2012 VP debate as well.
I saw Obama vs. McCain in 2008 and his "that one" statement.
I saw the Biden vs. Palin VP debate as well and her lame "say it ain't so Joe." comment she tried to set up at the beginning when she asked Biden if she could call him "Joe". I knew it was coming after that.
I eventually saw the Biden vs. Dumpy one in 2020 but after the fact, a few days later.
(16,361 posts)Long term sanity maintenance strategy.
Just doing some computer graphic "alterations" is about all I can handle.
That scum does not merit a debate platform. More deserving of a courtroom, though he should be in an orange jumpsuit, chains, and straight jacket.
He is certifiably deranged and should follow his Führer to a nice bunker.
With a Rubik's grenade.
Laffy Kat
(16,572 posts)I might do something less stressful, like going to see "Romulus"
(29,169 posts)That creature's voice makes me ill. I'll watch the clips ... maybe.
(96,598 posts)Ill be staying with a friend who has no TV. Thats a blessing, afaiac.
(404 posts)Hopefully she will clarify her fracking stance. PA is waiting for it.
I wont be watching as Im 6 time zones ahead on vacation.
(24,876 posts)betsuni
(27,607 posts)A dating reality show. Come on, man.
I'm watching.
(148,591 posts)the Guiness Book of World records largest Drag Queen story time!
Am hoping that Kamala does her best Auntie Maxine on him.

(29,409 posts)I cant even watch clips of the orange asshole. Ill read about it the day after.
(18,434 posts) Il'l be with you watching other stuff on tv. Or we can have a chat room or thread or whatever its called...right here on DU.
(51,720 posts)The highlights will be replayed over and over and over again on Wednesday anyway. I'm more interested in the primary elections in my state today.
(54,612 posts)statements, it could mean my tablet had a forceful encounter with my TV.
This will be Trump's last chance to get his lies out to such a large audience before the election, and I wouldn't rule anything out in terms of how low he'll go...or how unlikely the moderators will be to stop or correct him.
I do have a lot of confidence in Harris's ability to debate. She should be able to destroy him logically. That isn't the level he argues on, though.
(1,342 posts)I'd like to see a bit of it live, what Harris take Don-old to the woodshed a few times, but I know I'll probably fall asleep and miss it all.
From my keyboard to Harris' spirit: Relax, Kamala. Girl, you got this. You know you faced worse in a courtroom, and sent them to prison. You can do it again, because when he loses, it's several trials and convictions on his dance card. Carry on, Madam President-to-be.
(2,496 posts)Cant listen to him, cant even stand the sight of him.
True Dough
(22,156 posts)Even when there's a short clip of him saying something stupid, I'll look for a transcript. The sound of his voice and his choice of words really grates my nerves.
(7,181 posts)Adolf is the mentally handicapped prone to spacing out grifter variant of TSF which should play well on the TV if observations we have had in the past are accurate?
(7,181 posts)Can't wait til this debate tonight, gonna get a little extra elevated to laugh at this LOSER FREAK!
He thought he could grift endlessly.
(3,121 posts)He's a vapid insult and lie machine, and the fact that Harris has to dignify him with any kind of conversation disgusts me. I'm not going to do the legacy media the favor of paying attention.
(34,662 posts)The bottom line is, I don't care what happens on that stage. I hope she kicks his ass, but we all know how trump is at debates. He's a bully. And the media still doesn't understand that a well informed electorate is crucial to democracy and that they will be the first to go under a trump dictatorship.
So no matter what happens on that stage, we need to loudly and aggressively support Kamala. We are not turning on our nominee no matter what trump or the media says or does. We will defend her no matter what.
There's no time for infighting. Remember what they prepared us for at the DNC last month. We have to be strong and fight. When we fight, we win.
John Ludi
(594 posts)I have had GAD since my teens and the implications of Trump freak me out...whereas hearing him speak just sends me into paroxysms of rage. Neither is good for my emotional balance. I'll catch bits and pieces of it after the fact, depending on the outcome.
Island Blue
(6,287 posts)Watching live will in no way change my mind, or be beneficial to my mental health.
(5,397 posts)Trump does not deserve to be on that stage and I'm not watching. Just pisses me off to see that traitor spew lies. But I'm quite certain Harris will make him look like the fool that he is.
Klondike Kat
(868 posts)I've already decided to vote a straight blue ticket (like always) and listening to Trump speak makes my teeth itch.
I'm sure my wife will watch the debate and give me her analysis. And I presume that someone will post a recap here on DU (TYIA).
(8,084 posts)ArkansasDemocrat1
(3,213 posts)Anxiety is definitely up. I will not tune in. I will let those stalwarts report in. I'm hoping for a "You're no JFK" moment.
Verbally gut him, Kamala. Verbally curbstomp him with his own acts for all he's done to us.
(853 posts)I am so nervous about seeing the same conversations we saw after the Biden-Trump debate during the summer - "Oh he had a bad night, no big deal!"
Trump's bloviating idiocy & alternate facts are baked in to what everybody, including his supporters, expect of him.
This thing is way WAY too close for comfort and shouldn't be. We need a clear win!
The Vice President needs to park this thing DEEP.
(5,484 posts)What matters is what the "undecided", gullible, low-intelligence voters think, and we'll get input about that afterward.
(3,907 posts)At 85 I deserve some peace and quiet without any anxiety (just looking at his photo gives me anxiety).
Lebam in LA
(1,360 posts)I didn't watch the last debate and am very happy with that decision. I can't stand to listen to the blathering idiot for another second.
(1,720 posts)Frankly there is nothing Trump or Harris could say or do for me to change my vote to Trump.
(1,878 posts). . . about their struggles with anxiety and depression. Same with me, and sometimes I feel so weak and useless because of the way that things affect me so deeply.
Just yesterday, I watched a clip of a WWII movie on Youtube. The scene was well acted and dramatic and nothing violent happened in it. But the comment section included mentions of awful things that happened nearly 80 years ago and I felt a tight, cold sickness in my body just reading comments, not actual accounts. "Man's Inhumanity to Man" can drain me of my will to go on; that's how messed up I am.
My strategy for the next few weeks will be to immerse myself in a highly inaccurate historical drama so I can get worked up over events that sort of resolved themselves 500 years ago and ignore current events over which I have no control. I will vent my mental outrage on Henry VIII because my anger at Trump is too raw to be felt fully without harming myself.
I'm afraid to hope that I will see a woman President of the United States in my lifetime, but I am determined to live long enough to watch the celebrations in the streets when Trump finally leaves this world.
Did you know that William the Conqueror exploded at his own funeral? Not saying that will happen to Trump, but the thought of all those lavishly dressed functionaries at William the Conqueror's funeral drenched with rancid remains will be the metaphor in my mind when convention requires the government to extend presidential honors to Trump's corpse. I have more respect for Robert E. Lee than I do for Donald J. Trump.
For those choosing to opt out of the debate-- the only unforgivable act would be to opt out on voting. That is all that I am going to be able to do before crawling under the covers. Sometimes, I really wish that I had a drinking problem or a drug habit to distract me.
And yes, that is a joke and no doubt one in poor taste. My apologies to all who struggle with those issues, as well. I have always said that Trump is the Anti-Mr. Rogers. He brings out the worst in everyone. I hate the way that he has coarsened even the most noble among us. Gandhi, Jesus and Buddha would be hard pressed not to act out by taking a swing against that guy.
(13,109 posts)surfered
(5,391 posts)G2theD
(602 posts)I am still shell shocked from the last debate. I will wait till its over and listen to the MSNBC analysis. If it is good I will watch it on replay.
(65,590 posts)Im sure DU will give a great play by play of the debate.
Golden Raisin
(4,700 posts)Seeing and hearing Trump makes my blood pressure skyrocket. After the fact will follow discussions here as well as view minimal "highlights" clips on TV.
Response to RandySF (Original post)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(11,351 posts)Debate rerun for me as well. I just hope she can knock the bully back on his heels. He can't handle 'nasty' women.
(25,124 posts)Way too stressful to watch them in person.
Evolve Dammit
(20,265 posts)crimycarny
(1,709 posts)I, too, have anxiety (GAD).
I find my anxiety clouds my perception so if I watch "live" any slightest misstep on Kamala's part will be seen as a catastrophe by my brain (or even the "misstep" I see is not a misstep at all.)
I figure if I read Kamala did a great job I can watch the replay.
(1,914 posts)I can't watch cable or local news, debate or no debate. I watched the DNC (every speech!) on CSPAN.
(11,093 posts)Mad_Dem_X
(9,887 posts)I, too, have diagnosed anxiety and may not watch tonight. I'll probably just end up watching clips online tomorrow.
(17,554 posts)I will watch some highlites sometimes. I make my decision on candidates way early in the primaries and stick with what all the delegates at the convention decide. Even if it is a 20 hour count and on the 15th vote. The mass of people will usually make the right decision.
As far as the General, I always go by the D (Democratic Party) beside their name on the ballot. I have only voted for an R (Racist Party) once when I was very young and it was the worst decision of my life. Ronnie Ray Gun. I let the people I worked around persuade me. Never Again
(597 posts)it's all for show, with each party thinking their candidate will put on the better show. I don't need to watch to know I'm voting Democrat from Harris down to the local dog catcher.
(3,959 posts)So why would I need Trump?