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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsMy (formerly Mormon!) son-in-law posted this on Facebook earlier today. I wish I could give him a hug.
"The debate tonight:
If Trump manages not to shit himself, MAGA will say he won.
If he does shit himself they'll say he won because of how brave he was to shit himself right on stage with everyone looking.
If Kamala misspeaks once or misstates a single fact, MAGA will decry her as an unfit liar who should go directly to jail for her crimes.
If she doesn't misspeak or misstate a single thing, MAGA will decry her as overly coached, inauthentic and therefore unfit and should go directly to jail for her crimes.
I only hope reasonable people will see them for who they are and what they'll do for or to the country and vote accordingly."

(1,597 posts)People who want everything to be better 💙
(853 posts)The bar is set a tad low for MAGA...
(41,315 posts)Its remedial citizenship for native born Americans. Everyone gets at least a B+.
(3,306 posts)For Harris to let tRump be tRump, and bait him into saying stupid shit that will piss off women across the country. He literally has no self control whatsoever and is too impulsive not to be offensive in that situation.
(17,498 posts)PortTack
(35,341 posts)Vomit!!
(113,131 posts)Last edited Tue Sep 10, 2024, 04:41 PM - Edit history (1)
although the FLDS gives this state a miss. What I've learned is that they don't all march in lockstep with their leadership when it comes to politics.
ETA: Just noticed my omission in the title. I've corrected it. It was no meant to give offense.
(10,701 posts)If you are TBM (True Believing/Blue Mormon) you are a die hard republican. That being said the church has been losing large amounts of members and control over members for the last 20 years. In my family half have left (all are now Democrats), the other still Mormon half is evenly split between GOP = Gods political party and the other half will not vote for Trump (but may not vote for Harris).
(113,131 posts)who still identify with the church, but....
I've also known quite a few ex Mormons.
I can't say I had much contact with the missonaries, night nurses tend to be rabid when some idiot leans on the doorbell and wakes us up. They used to cross the street when they got to my house.
(10,701 posts)I can't escape it because of my family. I'm not a member anymore though.
I always try to be extra nice to the Missionaries because the church wants non-members to be mean to them, it reinforces their persecution complex.
(36,631 posts)Television "debates" are not debates, they are designed for television to get more money, including from endless punditry before and after.
(820 posts)Maybe if he pulled it out of his diaper and ate it...maybe.
(35,480 posts)But I would replace MAGA with the Press.
(23,146 posts)You have a good SIL.
(778 posts)Island Blue
(6,287 posts)All he has to do is show up and the MSM will fall all over themselves saying how presidential he looked.
Wonder Why
(5,178 posts)pansypoo53219
(22,001 posts)the lies. need beeps for each missstatements.
debate? its a maga rally + the democratic nominee answering questions.
surprised bats don't fly out od the morons ass + ears.
(8,236 posts)to give him a hug, please give him an extra one for me.
(778 posts)mdbl
(5,827 posts)It' took 40 years of right-wing media to create the magat cult. The only good thing is the old assholes like Newt Gangrenous and Moscow Mitch that spurred on its creation are not long for this world. You can cheat everyone but you can't cheat death.
(12,863 posts)They did leave a card on the porch that said "What happens when you die?".
There was nothing on the back. I think I know the answer. Relatives fight over your stuff.
(54,461 posts)night were that
1) the moderators unfairly factchecked Trump but never factchecked Harris, and
2) Harris was just reciting lines she'd rehearsed.
The possibility that Trump was the only one lying, and that Harris is simply a much better speaker and debater than he is, apparently couldn't exist in their tiny, warped minds.