National Archives Head Resigns as Trump Takes Control of Records
Source: Mother Jones
The acting head of the National Archives announced his resignation on Friday, paving the way for Donald Trump to continue his takeover of the governments records and the agency that serves as custodian of the nations history.
Deputy Archivist William Bosanko informed staff in an email Friday that he will step down on Tuesday. Bosanko, who has worked at the agency since 1993, has been the acting head of the National Archives and Records Administration for just a week, after Trump fired Archivist of the United States Colleen Shogan.
Bosankos exit is part of a Trump putsch at the agency, which was deeply involved in the case of the top-secret documents Trump removed from the White House when he left office in 2021. According to two sources familiar with the situation, Bosanko was pushed out by Jim Byron, a 31-year old who was recently president of the Richard Nixon Foundation. Byron delivered Bosanko an ultimatum: Resign now or be fired next week.
Byron has been working out of the Archives offices as a political appointee representing the White House. Byron has often described himself as a mentee of Hugh Hewitt, an ardent pro-Trump commentator who preceded Bryon as head of the Nixon Foundation and who now sits on its board. (The Nixon Foundation and the Archives have occasionally been in conflict with each other, which often happens with presidential foundations and the government agency that oversees presidential libraries, according to an Archives source.)
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According to the article, speculation is that the next archivist will either be Hewitt, RW journalist and liar John Solomon, or Ezra Cohen-Watnick, who'd been hired by Michael Flynn at the NSC.
In other words, no one very trustworthy.

Ocelot II
(123,555 posts)That would help DOGE get rid of unnecessary real estate.
(45,655 posts)materials in the archives and also planning regular Praise Trump concerts at the Kennedy Center.
(21,261 posts)riversedge
(74,463 posts)their families.
(19,533 posts)LudwigPastorius
(11,848 posts)Be the envy of your billionaire friends as you display a real piece of history on the wall of your palace.
(939 posts)Initech
(104,073 posts)Fuck this asshole! Fuck Project 2025! Fuck Fox News! Fuck all of it!
(162,406 posts)you know, so Covid and J6 never happened
LastLiberal in PalmSprings
(13,123 posts)Everything was rainbows and lollipops during Felon47's first term.
(11,380 posts)mdbl
(5,906 posts)orangecrush
(23,563 posts)BumRushDaShow
(148,653 posts)berniesandersmittens
(12,064 posts)History being rewritten right before our eyes.
(148,653 posts)But that position is a Senate-confirmed one so it will need to be on the list for a nomination and to have confirmation hearings.
(12,064 posts)How long can an acting director hold that pisition before going through confirmation?
Last month, Trump said he wanted to replace former archivist Colleen Shogan, who was appointed by former President Joe Biden. The president believes the National Archives provided information to the Department of Justice on the classified documents case against him.
(8,283 posts)Uh yeah they did,literately 24/7 when Harris and Walz were campaigning for MONTHS. Lame excuse for those who now regret their vote.
Too late asshats.......
(47,451 posts)milestogo
(19,804 posts)Time to DELETE history.
(8,114 posts)History stops. To be rewritten.
(21,598 posts)To the Ministry of Truth
(20,232 posts)I looked into volunteering to transcribe cursive documents held by N.A. But I put the plan on hold when I realized that my effort would contribute to felon's regime as a positive. I'm not helping this nightmare in any way.
Kid Berwyn
(19,461 posts)The 2021 FBI raid on Rudy Giuliani is relevant. something special.
Exposes the Big Lie Machine:
Trump's Ukraine scandal is a Fox News story
Fox helped get Trump into this mess, and it's the key to getting him out of it
PUBLISHED 11/13/19 8:05 AM EST
Fox supercharged Giulianis disinformation campaign
Giuliani, with the presidents approval, developed a shadow foreign policy campaign in Ukraine, working with corrupt officials to dig up dirt on Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden, undermine the U.S. intelligence communitys conclusion that Russia had interfered in the 2016 presidential election, and remove U.S. and Ukrainian players that posed obstacles to that effort. That disinformation campaign played out on Fox.
Giuliani filtered the results of his investigation through John Solomon, a conservative writer with a long record of serving as a mouthpiece for right-wing opposition research. Solomon would write up aspects of Giulianis work in columns for The Hill, then go on Fox, where his scoops were woven into the networks conspiracy theories. Over a six-month period, Solomon appeared on Fox News or Fox Business at least 72 times; 51 of those appearances were on Hannitys program. (Solomons role as a Giuliani henchman led to him landing a contract as a Fox contributor last month.) As Foxs feverish coverage of the Bidens crescendoed, Trump and Giuliani both appeared on the network to bolster the smears.
Depositions from witnesses before the impeachment inquiry reveal that top administration figures at the White House and State Department were forced to monitor Fox for clues about the shape of U.S. foreign policy toward Ukraine. George Kent, a State Department official with oversight over the country, reported tracking extensive coverage from Hannity and Fox host Laura Ingraham. Fiona Hill, a former National Security Council official, testified that she and then-national security adviser John Bolton both regularly tuned in to Fox to keep abreast of Giulianis antics, adding that the networks coverage began to have an impact obviously on our work.
Notably, Kent and former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch each testified to an effort by the State Department to contact Hannity in order to thwart what Kent termed a campaign of slander against the ambassador. Yovanovitch had apparently become a thorn to Giulianis effort to conduct a shadow foreign policy, and so he promoted lies about her that made their way into Solomons columns and then onto Foxs airwaves.
Joseph diGenova, a frequent Fox guest who is Solomons lawyer, argued in March on Hannitys program that Yovanovitch needs to be called home to the United States for consultation in order to answer a slew of questions about her conduct and her assault on the president of the United States.
According to Kent, State Department counselor Ulrich Brechbuhl subsequently reached out and suggested to Mr. Hannity that if there was no proof of the allegations, that he should stop covering them. (Hannity has since denied that State contacted him about Yovanovitch.) In any case, Giulianis smear campaign apparently had its intended effect, as Yovanovitch was recalled from her post in May.
Now consider the Messengers, armed with disinformation a clear and present danger to Democracy.

Professional strength propaganda...
A Dozen Questions for John Solomon
by Sidney Blumenthal
November 5, 2019
Solomon began his career as a reporter for the Associated Press, but subsequently bounced around in right-wing media from the Washington Times to a website called Circa News (owned by Sinclair Media and now defunct). In 2012, the Columbia Journalism Review concluded that Solomon has a history of bending the truth to his story line and distorting facts and hyping petty stories. Among his claims to infamy is publishing the debunked Uranium One conspiracy.
Starting in March of this year, Solomons articles in The Hill and his tweets spun out a web of conspiracy theories, in some cases then tweeted by Trump: that parts of the Ukrainian government in coordination with the U.S. ambassador to the Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch colluded to help Hillary Clintons campaign by leaking financial records of Paul Manafort, Trumps campaign chairman (who had been a consultant to the Russian backed Ukrainian president deposed in the 2014 revolution Viktor Yanukovych); that the U.S. ambassador had pressured the Ukraine prosecutor not to investigate a George Soros-backed group and Soros-connected names who helped the Clinton campaign in the alleged scheme; and that the ambassador told the prosecutor not to investigate a list of individuals and that, according to the prosecutor, former Vice President Joe Biden was supposedly attempting to quash the prosecutors probe of his son Hunters involvement with Burisma, a Ukrainian gas company.
Solomon depicted a second innocent victim of these conspiracies in addition to Trump: Ukrainian oligarch Dimitry Firtash, a major target of the Soros group. Firtash close to Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russian mafia kingpin Semion Mogilevich, and a chief financier of former Ukrainian president Yanukovych is fighting extradition to avoid U.S. federal charges of bribery and racketeering. Solomon wrote that Robert Muellers investigation was attempting to frame Firtash to get some dirt on Donald Trump, but that the case against Firtash was falling apart. Solomon stated, The oligarchs defense team told me that Firtash rejected the deal because he didnt have credible information or evidence.
The State Department labeled the charges in Solomons initial article about Yovanovitch an outright fabrication. Later, the Ukrainian prosecutor Solomon quoted as his source, Yuri Lutsenko, was dismissed from his position and disavowed Solomons reporting, saying that Hunter Biden did not violate anything and now said that his statements to Solomon about a do-not-prosecute list were false. Lutsenko is now under criminal investigation for abuse of power. Meanwhile, the effort to extradite Firtash to face corruption charges continues.
7. You claim that you met Parnas through Congressman Pete Sessions. When did you first become aware of the Parnas and Fruman financial contributions to Sessions? What other favors has Sessions done for you?
Garland has the goods on these traitors. There is nothing FOX, OANN, the Moonie Times, etc etc etc can do about it. So, lets get busy with the indictments already. The future of democracy is at stake.
DU OP April 28, 2021:
(2,345 posts)A 16TB collection , bigger now probably, since it's being updated daily
yellow dahlia
(1,805 posts)I say that often, nowadays.