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In reply to the discussion: I am Catholic and this is quite disturbing to me! [View all]Sky Jewels
(8,829 posts)It's just flat-out fictional patriarchal bullshit. The character "God" (who is demonstrably cruel and murderous) was made up by humans and is depicted as male. Same goes for his his only child, the "savior" of mankind (emphasis on the "man" part of that word). Of course no females have magical supernatural powers, just males. (Most religions that revered females and fertility and nature were stomped out by the male-dominated monotheisms.) Over the centuries, this ridiculous construct has caused harm to women that is incalculable. It's also been highly destructive to rational and scientific belief, and the entire planet is paying the price for that.
We are just relatively recently evolved hairless primates on one planet among trillions. There are undoubtedly m/billions of other planets that have different kinds of life forms, some of them "advanced." We're not special. We live, and then we die. And that's it. While we're alive, it makes a lot of sense for us to cooperate as humans on this one little planet in a 14-billion-year-old universe because that's how we evolved. We're social animals who live in groups. We need to work together to survive and thrive. You can do good things and get human connection without buying into and empowering the mythological, anti-women church nonsense. Come on, you don't really think a magical carpenter from 2,000 years ago is returning to Earth any day now, do you? I think you're more intelligent than that, and deep down you know that's just a story on par with tales of Zeus and Thor and Isis.