showing up in publicly traded media outlets (NBC is owned by Comcast, ABC by Disney, and FOX owns Fox and the WSJ. The NYT is publicly traded.
The fiduciary responsibility of these media executives is ONLY to generate higher profits for shareholders. There is literally nothing in there about 'truth in news reporting'.
So, we have a horserace - 'It's gonna be a real squeaker, coming down to a few thousand votes in a couple of swing states.' Better for shareholder profits becaust a) it boosts ratings, which creates more advertising revenue, and b) campaigns have to advertise, and we're seeing billion dollar ad buys.
It is ALWAYS about Wall Street shareholder profits. ALWAYS.
This is why ABC has opted not to fact check Trumpy tonight. Better for shareholder PROFITS, but not better for truth.
This was on purpose. People are forgetting Lewis Powell's manifesto that laid out the plan for a corporate takeover of the republic, which has nearly been achieved. Many in the US electorate weren't even born in 1971 when he wrote that evil plan. And in 1987 when Reagan killed the old Fairness Doctrine.
These poor widdle billionaires just don't have enough money, don't you know, so they want more at our expense, which is what Project 2025 is all about. Because if he gets in power and they do the $2 trillion tax cut for billionaires and corporations, they will have to raise our taxes - mine will go up by $2500.
So it is easy to see that these Wall Street profit-driven greed lizards WANT our electorate to be ignorant. God knows, if we all had the ACTUAL TRUTH, the GOP would have gone down the drain years ago.