Once more into the breach, dear friends, once more [View all]
As far as I am concerned the campaigning is over and after this weekend we begin the battle to Get Out the Vote with an effort that perhaps has never been equaled. We must do that. It is imperative for the survival of our democracy, more so than ever before.
My first efforts at GOTV were in 1964 when I walked the streets of Teaneck, New Jersey for the LBJ campaign, getting people registered to vote. Since then i have distributed campaign literature, knocked on doors, written post cards, phone banked, ran for office as a Democrat 4 times (won twice), seDrved as a local campaign chair serveral times, a poll watcher on election days, helped raise money for campaigns, etc.
This year my old legs won't let me go door to door nor will my old ears let me make phone calls or work at the polls. But I can still write post cards, drive people to the polls and do many other things to help out. I urge each of you to make a plan for the month leading upto election day. Do just one thing to help make the Democratic turnout higher than ever before. Call your local Democratic Club or Party and tell them you are available and they will find something important for you to do to make it happen. Don't leave it up to others. You must do it yourself.
I don't know about anyone else, but I am fired up and ready to go. I cannot wait until this is over with.