they use someone's SSI, who doesn't even know they are using it, and the employee gets approved immediately..........
And that is, if they even check.
Just look at Trump's Golf Course the FBI raided.......That business is the only one of all his businesses they checked, and they confiscated boxes of BLANK SSI cards, and a small printing press for the person's name......
The corporations couldn't exist without these illegals who are willing to work for much less. Especially in major industries like Construction, Meat Processing, Agricultural, Manufacturing, etc.
Also, those corporations don't pay SSI, Workers Comp, etc etc etc so they really make out like bandits. Some even deduct those from the immigrants wages to make even more money, but never send it to the government and just pocket that too.
Rarely, if ever, do you see a "Green Card Raid" anymore. The Corporations/Business Owners depend on cheap labor to provide them with even greater profits.
Also, the appliances being built/sold today are really, really, really, cheaply made, with an expected lifespan of maybe 5-10 years, and the prices are ludicrous. Just ask any appliance repair person.............