General Discussion
In reply to the discussion: Government is crashing [View all]summer_in_TX
(3,494 posts) No cross-ownership of media (TV, radio, newspapers or their web equivalent) by the same corporation in the same town or city.
An addition to the new constitution that it is the responsibility of the media to ensure their audience receives (sees, hears, reads) a variety of perspectives to develop their ability to understand and address complex problems with multiple causes.
The ability for anyone criticized to have the right to defend themselves and respond in the same time slot.
Social media must have transparent algorithms that are designed to ensure their audience is exposed to many perspectives and that shock value and attention are not the main drivers of how people interact with the app.
Hounding, piling on, threatening, and bullying would be crimes, with penalties differing depending on the severity of the crime.
News media could be held liable for knowingly broadcasting material contrary to the facts, and analysis or opinion could not be more than 10 percent of a news broadcast.
Public media would have a dedicated fund, untouchable by the legislative or executive branch and controlled by an independent board whose members could not be substantially appointed by any given party or president, with some members being nominated based on merit by professional organizations of their peers.
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