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In reply to the discussion: 46/46% tie between Biden & Trump is not about age. Democrats better wake up to the real cause. [View all]slightlv
(4,518 posts)This poll... like so many others... are weighted to obtain the result the pollsters want. What we (Democrats and the DNC) need to realize is that the polls are always going to be against us because they're bought and paid for by our enemies, the oligarchy. Mergers and buy outs have consolidated our "news" channels to a very few oligarchs, and they pay for the polls. These things are worse than useless. They not only don't tell the truth, they tell "managed truth" which is much more demoralizing to those that care.
Also, IMNSHO, while pocketbook issues are always going to be important, you can see how worried R's are about the "abortion issue" when they're trying desperately to come up with another phrase to describe themselves besides "pro life." They want to come up with a whole new phrase for themselves, pawn it off on everyone, and lie their way into power. Democrats would be incredibly behind the times if they don't push women's rights... and name abortion as what it is. People are tired of catch phrases that can be heard in any multiple ways. They want blunt truth. "Pro-Choice" is a good descriptor. It doesn't say we're FOR abortion. It says we're for leaving it up to the woman, her doctor, and her family to make the decisions necessary for herself.
It'd also be good to zero in on the other ways R's are taking away women's civil rights... like trying to keep us from travelling out of state, etc. These are short jaunts to what they really want for us -- sequestered in the home and not engaged with society and economics at all. I've already lived through that in the 60's and 70's. I don't want to see my young grandniece have to live it in her near future. I want my daughter to have better retirement opportunities than I've had.
We who marched and fought for women's rights are in our old age now, but we're not willing to sit back and let it all fall away. It's not only hurting the younger women now; it's hurting us in our old age, as well. We may not have to worry about pregnancies any longer, but we DO have to worry about less retirement income because our earnings potential was always tamped down throughout our working life. More than that, we're pissed that all our efforts are being rolled back in the name of white patriarchy. Those of us who still have the physical wherewithal to walk, march, protest, are out there doing it again. The rest of us are spreading the word and voting like hell. It'd be stupid of Democrats not to take advantage of this sea change in attitudes towards what we've always been told was a "divisive issue." Look what we've discovered -- it's NOT divisive! The majority WANTS abortion to be kept free, fair, and legal; and they majority still agrees with fairness on the other "life" issues, as well... racism, homophobia, as well as misogyny.
Democratic candidates have a wide range of positive issues on which to build their campaigns. They also have a good foundation of economics to build on based on what Biden's accomplished despite the traitors in the "freedom caucus" trying to tear it all down at the same time.
And, if we want to campaign on comparatives -- the R's have given us a once in a generation chance to do it without having to go exceptionally dirty. The majority of Americans do not want what the R's are selling. We just have to point it out and do comparatives!
Magats, while they are many are not enough to outnumber the rest of democracy loving Americans. All we have to accomplish is getting everyone out to vote, and making sure each vote counts. The only way the R's win is if they cheat. And they WILL try to cheat, both "legally" and illegally. Herein lies our biggest problem -- keeping our elections free for all to engage with.