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In reply to the discussion: 46/46% tie between Biden & Trump is not about age. Democrats better wake up to the real cause. [View all]The Mouth
(3,310 posts)But if we want to win in 2024 numbers one, two, three, and four are keeping prices down, food affordable, gas cheap enough that even the poorest schmuck with a car can fill the tank on an hour or two's minimum wage work, and getting rid of stupid laws that make food expensive.
Those that are trying to completely get rid of the internal combustion engine, strangling natural gas appliances, passing laws that raise the cost of pork and chicken, and doing anything else, for any reason, that raise the costs for anyone in the middle or lower classes are hurting us as much as the billionaires.
Cheap gas, cheap natural gas, cheap electricity, cheap food- everything else can come later. To be honest, I really don't give a good godamn about corporate profits if we can get gas and diesel back to $1-2 a gallon and natural gas and electricity to the prices they were 5-10 years ago. I hate the rich getting richer, but Gas at over three dollars a gallon just to appease people with agendas other than that of the working class is every bit as bad as a Musk or Bezos sucking down another half trillion going into space.
Sure there are other issues, but I grew up, and am middle class; we HAVE to drive trucks because we roof and plumb and we drive hundreds, even thousands of miles a week. We can't afford fancy new electric stoves and electricity has doubled in price in the last few years. Yeah, we'd like national healthcare and a cleaner environment and racial justice, but none of that is more important than a paycheck that goes as far as it did 10, 20, 50 years ago, period.
We need to be the party of the working man and woman, first and foremost; if it's not good for the working schmuck, it's not good, period. If someone doesn't work up a sweat, risk injury and get dirty at work I'm sure their opinion is just as valid as mine, but I'm fucking tired of not having the voices and concerns of MY class listened to and prioritized.