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In reply to the discussion: Biden says he 'would have beaten Trump' but withdrew to unify Democrats [View all]OrwellwasRight
(5,227 posts)for more than a decade even, that we should run actors. Look at the success over the years of Ronald Reagan, Jesse Ventura, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Trump. Not to mention celeb athletes like Bill Bradley.
I think the reality show/social media era only increases the relevance of picking a perceived “known” candidate. Too many ppl can’t or won’t distinguish between reality TV/the Bannonverse and actual reality. It’s like the Running Man come to life. People are voting for bread and circus entertainment, assuming that America will always be rich and powerful and run itself. They vote for the drama and owning the libs as if it is a game w/o real consequences.
You can tell this is true because of stupid stories like “Trump voter drives two hours to save $2 on bread.” You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know the math doesn’t work — you spend more on gas than you save on bread, but we’re expected to take these stories seriously as evidence of why the economy is in chaos.
The economy is the best it has been in this century. Wages have risen faster than inflation, so the average person (not all ppl) are better off than they were under Trump. Yes, we still have massive problems because of the war on unions, platform companies creating gigs instead of jobs, a privatized healthcare system, inadequate housing, and insanely expensive higher ed. But Biden didn’t cause these problems and he did his best to fix them through addressing monopolies, student loan forgiveness, ACA and Medicare improvements, and infrastructure investment.
But these problems were decades in the making and will be decades in addressing. But “Audience America” wants it wrapped up by the end of the season so they move on to the latest TikTok challenge and Deal or No Deal Island.
I’d vote for Matt Damon. Seth Rogen. Geena Davis. Whoever. Bring them on.
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