When Thinking About Water Safety, Consider Your Kid's Swimsuit Color [View all]
Alive Solutions, a company specializing in water safety, conducted an informal study in 2020 to test how visible different colored swimsuits would be in light-bottomed pools, dark-bottomed pools and lakes.
For the pools, they tested what the suits looked like underwater (top row) and then again with some surface agitation (bottom row) from the perspective of a person standing on the pool deck.
Light-Bottom Pool
Dark-Bottom Pool
For the lake, the company tested the different swimsuit colors on the surface of the water (top row), from a shore view (middle row) and from an elevated view (bottom row) to simulate what it would look if the parent were standing on a boat or a dock. The water was only 18 inches deep.

Huffpo Article:
Wow! This is really something. It's amazing what water color, depth, and background do to affect visibility.