ROSWELL New Mexico; the television series [View all]
First, let me ask a political question: Before we elected Grisham (D) as Governor of New Mexico, Martinez (R) invested lots of our money in Hollywood, to induce companies to make movies in our state. I just watched Roswell, New Mexico (about space aliens) and I hope the TV series was not part of this alleged investment. It was filmed in our state; not only in Roswell but also in Albuquerque and Santa Fe.
IMHO, the series had too much romance and melodrama and not enough Star Trek style space adventure and special effects. During one of the many romantic scenes, I wish one of the space-aliens, passing themselves off as humans, would have told their lover, "I need some space."
In defense of the series, it featured a rather daring homosexual encounter and some actors appearing to smoke marijuana, which our state-legislature will probably legalize. Grisham has already stated that she would sign the bill into law, after the state-house sent it to her desk.