I didn't get an information packet but I did get insurance cards, and there was enough there to find the policy information online. My first concern was that it would work at the clinic that's closest to us, and that turns out to be the main provider listed. I called them and they said no problem - come in and fill out a "new patient" form, and we could schedule checkups and so forth.
Second was vision care, which is one thing that's been hard to keep up on with two kids and no insurance. Paying for exams and glasses two years ago was a stretch, but now they need new ones. It turns out the insurance covers one exam and one pair of glasses a year, and the optometrist that the kids like is a listed provider.
Now the best part - two guys I work with have been big skeptics; both are entirely eligible for coverage, but they get their information from fox news and neither bothered to do the paperwork. We all had to go down for flu shots today (work required), at the counter they answered "no insurance" and paid their $40 each. I showed my insurance card, they made a quick phone call, and my shot was covered 100%. Of course, the boss reimbursed them the money, but they were all surprised that the insurance actually worked the way it was supposed to, easily.