The Precise Percentage of Republicans Who Are Certifiable Assholes [View all]
The Precise Percentage of Republicans Who Are Certifiable Assholes
by Jaime O'Neill | October 8, 2014 - 9:38am
Ok, so Im scrolling down through my Facebook wasteland, that repository of stuff I get from well-meaning friends, most of whom I wouldnt know if I saw them on the street. Dont know about you, but I suspect my Facebook page is fairly representative of most peoples Facebook pages. There are cat and kitten videos, lots of appeals for money or support for this or that, a never-ending stream of New Age-y maxims meant to improve my life, but that usually wind up bumming me out. As a result of writing lots of responses antagonistic to the generic right wing crap that tends to turn up on most peoples Facebook pages, I also get stuff from the NRA, along with an array of Tea Party affliated people and groups. There are even more postings from an array of liberal, progressive, or generally left-leaning groups appealing to my conscience, or assuaging it, all while bringing me additional news about bad shit that is happening, or being perpetuated by the worlds never-tiring fascists. Then theres the Chimp, which more often than not dumps a load of liberal self-loathing or more highly-evolved self love on my virtual doorstep, with a smorgasbord of Obama-bashing meant to appeal to a slightly different palate than the Obama-bashing generated by the right wing nut jobs.
As I was saying, I was scrolling through all this sweet-and-sour sludge when I came upon a statistic that tells me a lot about why so many Republicans seem to be incontrovertible assholes, and provides an indication of just how many such assholes there are. Heres that stat: 69% of Republicans say they could not live on the current minimum wage
yet only 37% of them support raising it.
Ill do the math for you. By my lights, that means 63% of Republicans are unmitigated assholes, willing to turn their backs on millions of hard working people who cant live on the minimum wage. These are the same assholes who whine and moan about seeing tax money spent to supplement those less-than-subsistence salaries through increases in food stamps, or medical care, or any other aid to people they find less deserving than they are themselves.
So, for those who think Im prejudiced against all Republicans, or that Im merely yet another of those intolerant libtards, I want to make it clear that I dont think all Republicans are assholes.