Men's Group
In reply to the discussion: All you need to know about the double standard is on this thread. [View all]ElboRuum
(4,717 posts)At Fri Dec 28, 2012, 09:05 PM an alert was sent on the following post:
I am not often asked the question of whether or not God is a woman or a man............
This post is disruptive, hurtful, rude, insensitive, over-the-top, or otherwise inappropriate. (See <a href="" target="_blank">Community Standards</a>.)
Sexist trash, plain and simple.
You served on a randomly-selected Jury of DU members which reviewed this post. The review was completed at Fri Dec 28, 2012, 09:17 PM, and the Jury voted 3-3 to LEAVE IT.
Juror #1 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE and said: No explanation given
Juror #2 voted to HIDE IT and said: No explanation given
Juror #3 voted to HIDE IT and said: Agreed. Sexist garbage.
Juror #4 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE and said: My ninety year old mother says this all the time
Juror #5 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE and said: It is certainly sexist, but it seemed to open in a few responses a serious discussion. Better to discuss than to censor.
Juror #6 voted to HIDE IT and said: :/
Thank you very much for participating in our Jury system, and we hope you will be able to participate again in the future.
I was Juror #3 for reference.
I am completely mystified by #4 and #5's comments. Firstly, how does your 90 year old grandmother saying it all the time make it somehow more appropriate to say something blatantly sexist? In all due deference to grandmothers everywhere, it is the perpetuation of antiquated ideas of what sexism is that allows it to persist in perpetuity. Secondly, how do you, as a juror, ADMIT to finding something sexist, but then vote to leave it alone, rationalizing that it "seemed to open in a few responses a serious discussion". I'll put aside my doubt that any serious discussion actually occurred there since almost every response was some variant of "for the love of whatever creator you worship or don't, please delete this thread." I wonder if that particular juror would have had the same reaction if there were racist or homophobic overtones to that OP, rather than sexist ones.
It is, however, a positive thing that so many of the responses call out the sexism. I think that's a positive indicator for DU as a whole.