After 15 years, we got married. It was his idea; we had gotten to a point in our lives where actually owned things and we were entering our 40s (and at the time, he was having symptoms associated with MS, but, knock wood, seems to have just been iritis). Rather than spend a small fortune for a lawyer to draw up every legal document we might need, getting married was cheaper and easier (and more fun). So I agreed, even though I have never wanted to be married and disapprove of the idea of state sanction of my union, etc.
It didn't change anything about us, though, as I had to explain to people (remember, at that point, we'd been together 15 years) except we had more jewelry (I love jewelry and he likes the symbol, so whatever). But it really annoys me that anyone thinks that a party and signing a legal contract somehow changed our 15-year relationship into a "real" one, like all those years together were nothing.
As for work, well, I'm retired but he says he was regarded as more "adult" once he had a real life wife instead of an SO. Which pisses him off for the same reasons I get pissed.
So there you go.