Men Who Buy Sex: Who They Buy and What They Know [View all]
A fascinating in-depth research study from 2012 of a sample of London men who buy sex. Some relevant excerpts below:
A sample of 103 men in London, England, who used trafficked and non-trafficked women in prostitution
were asked about their experiences and awareness of the sex industry. Almost all (96%) bought sex
indoors. Many reported that they were aware of pimping, trafficking and other coercive control over
those in massage parlour, brothel, and escort prostitution. These men were frequently aware of the
vulnerability and risk factors for entry into prostitution including childhood abuse, lack of alternative job
choices, coercive control and homelessness.
Many of the men felt that at various times during prostitution, women had no rights at all.
Attitudes normalising rape were common among this group of men who buy sex in London. Over
half of the interviewees believed that men would need to rape if they did not have access to
prostituted women.
There is no evidence supporting the theory that prostitution prevents rape. Experts in rape and other
forms of sexual violence must ensure that myths that prostitution prevents rape are debunked.
Legalisation and prostitution tolerance zones encouraged men to buy sex. Several men
explained that once having visited areas where prostitution is legal or promoted, they returned to
UK with a renewed dedication to buying sex even if that practice is illegal.
Many men stated that pornography informed their decisions to request specific acts with
women in prostitution and also with non-prostituting sex partners. Other interviewees stated that
pornography use led to their paying for sex.