I appreciate the invitation; but will spare the forum members from having to tell me to STFU.
I have found that, even the well-meaning, committed, dominant group member more often than not brings with them a "Super-Save-A-{insert group} ... I know what's best for you" attitude to their activism.
I will not be that guy!
I, once, after suffering months of a particularly arrogant (white), and wealthy, "civil rights warrior" (his self-descriptor), telling me that his experiences with racism were as, if not more, valid than my experiences with racism.
I was ultimately expelled from the Civil Rights organization that he was involved with (read: funded) because I told him, that while I appreciated his support, in terms of the racial civil rights battle, he could be a "Warrior"; but not the Chief ... he could be a foot soldier, a sargeant, or even a Lt.; but he could not be the General ... he could be the chief strategist; but never the Visionary, because at the end of the day, his understanding of racism and its effects are, at best, anecdotal.