After you tipped me off last week, I started paying more attention to their hate on the internet.
How thefuck isn't this hate speech? This is from someone who bills herself as an expert on lesbian affairs and disabled to boot.
Warning. Vanje, Yardwork, other sensitive beautiful friends, don't read this.
I knew those fuckers were disgusting, but really, theyre worse than I thought in how they dont even pretend to care about females. To blame us for them being killed by other men? Their arrogance and oppressiveness is amazing. It is funny though that they are so used to Feminists immediately bowing before them that they dont know how to deal with that we dont care what happens to them. They expect well be shocked to see statistics about them being killed, and dont realize, some of us wish they would ALL be dead.
I'm still reeling from that, and other comments from the RadFem community. These Janice Raymond followers seem seriously disturbed
That same one, RadFem extraordinaire, hasn't changed her tune a single bit
Rewind the clock back a few decades and remember how society treated Lesbians, how it said homosexuality was a mental disorder, how paranoid it was and THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY ALL THE ACTIVISM THAT GAVE YOU RIGHTS? By oppressing the next set of very real, current victims? I bleed for the pain they put people like Chaz Bono through. What haters.
I'm shocked. I never saw such hate from any of the Feminist or LGBT groups I've mixed with over decades. Who are these people who openly talk about political alliances with fundamentalists to take care of this *problem*?
I'm stopping now because if I type anything else, I'll be too angry to restrain myself.