...so utterly insulting to anyone who call themselves feminists, that to post it here is akin to waving a red flag in front of a bull. Or in more modern terms, pure flamebait.
If you are actually confused by the "meme" you posted, then you are not very bright.
But I don't think that's what is really going on.
Just to spell it out for you: the "confusing" "meme" you posted is a slanted piece of garbage which packages its anti-feminist BS by presenting two examples of supposedly discrete groups (when the overlap between the two groups is high), by picking out a "good" example of a women's activist, and by making sure to find some feminist somewhere who did something bad (I don't know the story so can't comment on it), and then extrapolating that example to all feminists, in order to draw a spurious distinction between the two.
I won't respond again, because I've said what I wanted to say and there seems to be no getting through to you. I'll readily admit that my words were sharp and perhaps even out of line. For future reference, you probably could have alerted at least my first response and there's a good chance it would have been hidden.