More on the weirdness and unpredictability of COVID - our saga continues. [View all]
To summarize - my wife and I (65 and as of today, 67) are double vaxxed (she Pfizer, me Moderna) and triple boosted - we stayed with our same brands. We escaped COVID for nearly three years, but I tested positive (first home, then the next day, doc office) on January 3 - my wife tested positive on Jan 8. We both went on Paxlovid - me on Jan 4, she on Jan 9.
My initial symptoms were a bit worse - sore/scratchy throat, hoarse, post nasal drip, low grade fever, loss of taste, general sluggishness. Sue's were similar but milder. Paxlovid (which did give both of a bad background bitter/metallic taste) worked quickly for both of us - symptoms largely eased within a few days of treatment start.
I've felt fine pretty much since the end of the treatment - sense of taste is nearly fully back - still some post nasal drip. Sue home tested positive again a few days ago (I home tested negative) - she's felt worse the last two days than when she first had it, but seems a bit better today - really a bad cold type set of symptoms, with sinus pain and headache - and loss of sense of taste. My guess is she will be totally symptom free in a few days.
But - this is one weird virus - symptoms come and go once you have it - symptoms vary person to person, and even hour to hour. I didn't rebound, my wife did.
Just thought I'd share our "adventure" with this pesty virus.
Hoping all of you are staying well and safe.