who fell by the wayside, NEVER giving up but tapped on the shoulder by his Creator that his body has been battered enough & it's time to come Home, that's what we believe, in my family & nation that is, (African American Heinz 57 with a HEAVY dose of Native American Blood & that's just to begin with).
Please accept my most sincere & heartfelt condolences. Our family was in your family's situation when my cousin who had unacknowledged, untreated mental illness that was devastating. As a result, he got addicted to drugs & he fought to get sober for YEARS but unfortunately, like your nephew, he ended up dying in a park from what was characterised as a self inflicted gunshot wound after diving headfirst into a psychotic break. Though we don't believe he killed himself, (gun was in his left hand, even though he was right hand dominant & a car was heard & sighted driving away at a HIGH rate of speed IMMEDIATELY after the gunshot that was heard by neighbors to the park but I digress).
Like your sweet nephew, he was NOT a loser but a warrior who, due to his mental illness, was trying to fight an entire platoon with a slingshot & a nail clipper. They're both heroes & I'd like to believe that when your nephew returns to the place we all come from, my cousin, Kenneth'll be there to meet him, welcome him home & walk him to where he can get, what we call, a new chassis.
God bless & I promise to pray for him, his daddy, you & all the family & friends who love him so much. Take care of yourself, stay safe & healthy & know that someday, not too far in the future, you'll be able to smile whenever you hear his name.