Another example of how you never know when it is 'your time' has flattened me. [View all]
A dear friend of mine - happy, healthy, married for 40 years, 3 sons, 2 granddaughters - just stopped living. No warning, no signs. Her heart simply stopped and could not be restarted.
I'll tell you this, for the last 7 years I've done more grieving than I have in the decades preceding them. 9 family members and 3 friends from work. People whose deaths left behind husbands, wives, children, grandchildren. Yet, here I am, lacking all of those, still here defying the odds.
And losing this friend so soon after the death of Queen Elizabeth, a woman I admired and respected, and who had been, in a way, a part of my life from birth, well, suffice it to say I'm existing in a trench of funk. As tempting as it is to double up on my anti-depression medication, I won't. I'll just follow my usual routine but add in some CBD Calm gummies.
And now I will take a deep breath, dab my eyes, blow my nose, push my 'survivor guilt' to the side and focus on being productive. The outdoor fur babies need more kibble. I might not have people who depend on me to take care of them, but I do have my indoor and outdoor 'kids'.