The basic principle is to eat more protein and vegetables and stay away from high-carb foods, especially processed foods - pastries, stuff made with high-fructose corn syrup or sugar, as well as starchy food like potatoes, white rice and pasta. Any food that contains carbs should have other nutritional value as well, like beans, which have protein. High "good" fat foods like avocados and salmon are recommended - I ate a lot of salmon for awhile. The other thing that really helped me was walking. I reached a plateau after about 35 lbs., decided I needed more exercise, so I started walking 2-4 miles a day, which I still do. Also, when you've lost some significant amount of weight, buy new clothes as a reminder to keep going; don't let your new clothes get tight! And get rid of the old ones. I've loosened up a little on carb-eating but I still stay away from sweets and desserts, and I'm keeping the weight off. Once you get into the habit of eating a certain way it gets a lot easier. You might want to talk to a doctor if you have any health issues or allergies, but the basic high protein, low carb thing is pretty easy to adapt to. Good luck!