Our Brett...Executive Chef in Alberta Canada... [View all]
Our Brett who graduated from New England Culinary Institute in Vermont...he is now the Executive Chef of ..." Glasshouse Kitchen and Bar" in Alberta Canada...
He is doing amazingly....loved by his customers!
Here is his link: Go browse the pictures, events and menu....
Instagram for Glasshouse Kitchen and Bar have great pictures too!
He has his Bachelors in Culinary Arts...Did his first culinary internship at " Ojai Resort" north of Los Angeles and second internship in New York City at" Pe Se" under Thomas Keller..
Final internship was with Chef Francois de Melogue ...they went to France for a month....Francois is a close family friend...
Hard work has paid off....
Oh.... Brett is born and raised in Dayton Ohio....I live here in Dayton...