they are fools or really haven't been paying attention to the electorate.
Moreover, you can try to cherry-pick the data all you want, but gun rights and opposition to further gun control is clearly the national trend (and stronger in red and many important purple states), to say nothing of the obvious continuing legislative and judicial failures of gun control advocates.
As to national concealed carry reciprocity, I would also remind you that the recent relevant amendment actually received 57 votes in the Senate, while the accompanying background check bill only received 54 votes, all with a Democratically-controlled Senate. Would you care to guess what the vote would be today with a Republican-controlled Senate, no less the House with its largest Republican majority in generations? If in the frightening event we ever see a President Trump (or Cruz, Rubio, Bush, Jindal, Fiorina, Kasich, etc.), I hope you're prepared for concealed carry reciprocity, along with even more liberal national gun laws.
Nevertheless, I expect you and others to maintain your head in the sand approach to gun rights politics in the country because of the cognitive dissonance with your person views concerning firearms. As an inevitable result, gun rights will continue to liberalize and expand, and far more importantly, more Democratic candidates will walk off the political gun control cliff as Republicans win more elections, particularly in the South and Midwest and at the state and local levels, thereby jeopardizing the entirety of our Party's more liberal agenda.