Branford, sighing?: Sigh..., if anyone was surprised about Trumps "evolution" on guns during a Republican primary, they are fools or really haven't been paying attention to the electorate.
Utterly ridiculous remark, some of his more intelligent cohorts are, imo, undoubtedly surprised of his reversals.
And readers will note that by Branford's above admission, he contradicts what he said in a previous post: Branford: To the surprise of absolutely no one, Trump's position on guns has "evolved" to match that of a majority of Americans,
Branford: ... you can try to cherry-pick the data all you want, but gun rights and opposition to further gun control is clearly the national trend
I did not cherry pick data, I rebutted your false claims with polls regarding 2 of trump's revised gun control positions. IOW, it was your data to begin with.
Branford: As to national concealed carry reciprocity, I would also remind you that the recent relevant amendment actually received 57 votes in the Senate,
I'll also remind YOU that I don't give a whit about the unrepresentative senate because what I rebutted was you saying a majority of americans supported national ccw reciprocity: Branford: Trump's position on guns has "evolved" to match that of a majority of Americans, and more importantly for Trump now, an overwhelming majority of Republican primary voters.
Neither a majority of americans, nor even a simple majority of republicans supported nat ccw reciprocity in that poll.
And certainly not your inane contention about background checks:
{Trumps} gun policy, which also argues against expansions of background checks for gun owners and chimes with the campaign aims of NRA
"Do you favor or oppose a federal law requiring background checks on all potential gun buyers?"
Favor Oppose Unsure/ No answer
8/2/15 ..... 88 10 1 Republicans 81 17 1 ....Democrats 93 6 1 .. Ind 89 9 2
Branford: .. gun rights and opposition to further gun control is clearly the national trend..
Branford miss the new pew?:
Pew. July 14-20, 2015. N=2,002 adults nationwide. "What do you think is more important -- to protect the right of Americans to own guns, or to control gun ownership?"
Protect right to own guns .... Control ownership ... Unsure/ Refused
7/14-20/15 ..... 47 .........................50 .............................3
12/3-7/14 ....... 52 .........................46 .............................3
near the top:
Branford: Nevertheless, I expect you and others to maintain your head in the sand approach to gun rights politics in the country because of the cognitive dissonance with your person views concerning firearms
Take the halo off your head, it doesn't belong there.