Come Soon, Jesus, and Take Them All Away in the Rapture! [View all]
Dear Jesus, or whatever entity it may concern,
We can't wait any longer. Your followers are trying to destroy us all. So, if you're out there, which i don't believe, just take them away so we can fix the crap they've started. It didn't work. The experiment has failed. Your followers are despoiling the Earth, leaving the poor to starve or die, and punishing the foreigners in the land. Priests are raping children in your name and their leaders give tacit consent to it. Other followers of yours have elected an obscene, petty tyrant to rule over the nation. None of them listened to you, or perhaps you never existed at all. Either way, I beseech you or whomever to raise them up off the Earth and deal with them in whatever way you see fit, if you exist.
Just take them and leave the rest of us alone. We'll take care of fixing things. Nobody's seen any sign you for a couple of thousand years, so I don't think you exist, but just in case, if you're out there, please hear our pleas and relieve us of that burden. The plan, if ever there was one, has failed miserably.
Yours sincerely,
One Atheist among many...
Oh, and this is
in case anyone missed that...