magas are tired of constantly being wrong about history and science. That's a big reason they love tRump, who said "We love the poorly educated". Many of them engage in magical thinking, that there is a simple explanation and solution for every problem. Frequently they invoke powerful outside entities "fer or agin" them, like old men in the sky or the Deep State or the "other" (immigrants, non-whites). They deny science if it thwarts their self-centered desires.
It's why they reject climate science: it is too difficult or complex for them to take the effort to understand, so they seize on stupidly simple concepts: 2% of scientists conveniently agree with them and their consumptive ways, so the 98% must be wrong and corrupt and just lying so they can get grants for studies. The earth was hotter in the time of dinosaurs (hint for magas: there were no mammals then). The output of the sun varies so that must explain it. And on and on.
Authoritarians and dictators offer simple solutions for simple people.