Mother Sky - The New Revolution [View all]
Everywhere in the world, economic instability, political disruption and record-breaking fires, droughts and storms have been up-ending the complacency of the inhabitants of Earth. This is
Uranus at work.
Everywhere in the world, the pollution of the natural environment and the corrupt social agencies that seek to cover it up are being exposed, destabilizing the status quo and leaving no path open but that of deep-structure change. This is
Pluto at work.
Global Storming
The USA, whose entry into the Cardinal Grand Slam2 is building by the month, is in the home stretch of a presidential campaign whose every aspect emits the rancid falseness of a civilization (Capricorn) in an advanced state of decay (
Pluto). Characterized by a newly brazen use of outright lies, the messages hammered home by the various Capricorn figures at the podium have all been declaiming for the furtherance of an economic system based on bubbles whose last calamitous bursting (
Uranus) in 2008 seems not to have fazed in the least a segment of the Republican-voting underclass: the very voters whom it has harmed the most.
Politically and meteorologically, the summer of 2012 has expressed the Cardinal Cross to a tee. The Republican convention, which took place during a drought more extensive than any on record, occasioned a fitting bit of guerilla theater in late August under a Moon waxing to fullness in Pisces (melting, dissolution). Conventioneers in Tampa were greeted by giant blocks of melting ice that Occupy protesters had arranged to spell out the words middle class.
Though many Americans saw the unprecedented temperatures as a message from the gods about global warming, Congress did not get that memo. They went ahead and green lighted Big Oil to drill in Alaska. I used to think that no environmental calamity could possibly compete in awfulness with letting oil companies despoil the last remaining American wilderness. That was before Id heard of fracking.
2 The transiting
Pluto square, when configured with the Sibly charts natal Sun-Saturn square, becomes a Grand Cross in Cardinal signs which will peak in 2014-15.