Please vote for me and bring our factory home to Arkansas! [View all]
Dear fellow ASAHers
I would really appreciate your help. I recently entered a contest sponsored by Chase and Google to win a grant for $250,000. This would allow us to bring our factory back to the US.
You may not know about our company, so here are some of the details. My partner and I have been in business together for about 28 years. He is a really fab artist and designer. One of his mediums is holographic foils and this where our company comes in. Our website is please take a look, we design and manufacture our own products. We sell all over the world. One of our butterfly mobiles hangs at the top tea house on Mt. Everest and one of our 3-D mobiles hangs in the NASA weather station at the south pole. Our mobiles have been in dozens of movies, the latest is The Great Gatsby in the ball room scene.
So anyway, about 8 years ago, we moved our manufacturing off shore because of my mother's illness. I wanted to spend more time with her and 4 years ago we moved to Arkansas. Our little town, Eureka Springs, is a wonderful tourist town, but there is little else for employment. When we had our factory in Willits, CA, we employed between 30 and 40 people. I think we could do that again. But, of course there is no way we can do it without financial help. This grant would make it possible. All I need are 250 votes by November 15. Right now we only need 235 more! Would you please help?
Voting takes place through your facebook account. Here is our voting page. If you get to some weird place. Our zip code is 72632 and our name is The Rainbow makers.
Thanks for your help. Please tell your friends. Time is very short and we need you!
I am cross posting this in a couple of forums for max exposure, please don't think I'm spamming