January 13 Compilation [View all]
Last edited Thu Jan 14, 2021, 10:03 AM - Edit history (1)
Added Jan 10: The 13th may be as hard on him as the 12th.
"Tue Jan 5, 2021, 12:11 AM
Star Member bobnicewander (423 posts)
Guesswork (my attempt at woo-woo)
to go along with transits tRump is having next week. Practically every day very intense, the 12th perhaps most crucial.
Last edited Tue Jan 5, 2021, 04:30 PM - Edit history (2)
Tue Nov 17, 2020, 08:58 AM
Star Member bobnicewander (423 posts)
The January 12 and 13 New Moon time is one of those times. All to be offered at this time is that it looks to be bad times for the tRump clan then. Could indictments come for all of them then or could kushner and the tRump kids be responding to a misfortune that befalls djt at the time?
Fri Nov 13, 2020, 10:45 PM
Star Member bobnicewander (423 posts)
tRump's January New Moon
Last edited Sat Nov 14, 2020, 10:30 AM - Edit history (1)
...will likely mark the last major act against him as pResident as it occurs just one week before he is removed from office by law.
The New Moon on January 12 and 13 2021 is opposite tRump's natal Saturn and the New Moon Saturn is opposite his progressed natal Saturn. This will be after a new congress is sworn in (possibly with enough new Senators to impeach and convict him) and before he loses the protection of the office of the president.
tRump progressed Saturn icon pasted in by me.
The date does not appear to be favorable for them. All charts that follow are located to the White House and all except djt's use noon for time.
trump in January 2021, 1 week before the inauguration of President Biden.
The New Moon will be opposite trump's natal Saturn.
The NM Saturn will be opposite his secondary progressed Saturn.
trump JR's January New Moon will be opposite his progressed Mars. About 2 hours after the New Moon the Moon will be conjunct Pluto in opposition to his progressed Mars. The Sun will do that the next day.
Again working with a noon chart for birth as recorded time is not available.
The January New Moon to Kushner's chart. With his Sun/Mercury midpoint getting so much attention will he sing like a tweety bird? Birth time not known - noon chart used, aspects still in effect.
Ivanka's not happy
Ivanka's natal Saturn and Pluto only moved a few minutes of arc on the day she was born, therefore her progressed midpoint for them is within a few minutes of arc in accuracy. Their progressed midpoint at 7 pm, EST, on December 14 (Electoral College votes are cast) will be at 204°45'. It will be squared (1 degree orb) by transiting Pluto at 295°44'.
Birth time not known but Pluto only moved 2.5 arc minutes the day she was born (less than 1/20th of a degree). Aspects may be considered exact.
Again using a noon timed natal with the January NM chart.