We have had massive changes in our methods of communication in the last 30 years and government for example has not kept up with these changes. In the old days our communications channels were not so dispersed and splintered. If government wanted to get messages out it could count on the radio, television, newspapers, and even Hollywood studios. People were listening to the same radio stations, network programming, reading the same newspapers, and watching the same movies; they were also often reading the same books . Things were more cohesive.
In the old days network television were required to make room for Public Service Announcements. (PSAs) Government and community non-profits could use these to promote things like vaccines and good social behaviors. I remember one playing over and over during breaks in sports events. It was a jingle about not being a one man band. I still remember the refrain: his music is a poor excuse, its corn mixed up with lemon juice. If it were playing today I think many of us would be reminded of a certain ex-president.
As for academia and scientists, if you want your ideas to to prevail, the first rule of communication is control your ego, do not look down on your intended audience, listen and learn from your intended audience , then tailor your message to your audience. Carl Sagan understood and practiced this. Sadly he was rejected by many scientists who looked down not only on the wide audiences he reached, but on Sagan himself as a popularizer.
We can win respect and appreciation of science; we can win almost total acceptance of vaccines but we cannot do it if we convince ourselves that people are too stupid or unwilling to learn, or effectively otherize them.