the ones who pioneered the great paradigm-changes all believed in intelligent design, ergo were, at least deists, such as Einstein, the poster boy for ID, Planck the founder of quantum mechanics, a Lutheran, than which no more successful paradigm has emerged, nor, it has been mathematically proved, can emerge; evidently, a uniquely curious phenomenon.
Bohr, too, insisted that consciousness precedes matter, while Pauli scoffed incredulously at the omission on the part of Darwinists to even perform a study of statistical probablilities:
'"In discussions with biologists I met large difficulties when they apply the concept of natural selection in a rather wide field, without being able to estimate the probability of the occurrence in a empirically given time of just those events, which have been important for the biological evolution. Treating the empirical time scale of the evolution theoretically as infinity they have then an easy game, apparently to avoid the concept of purposesiveness. While they pretend to stay in this way completely scientific and rational, they become actually very irrational, particularly because they use the word chance, not any longer combined with estimations of a mathematically defined probability, in its application to very rare single events more or less synonymous with the old word miracle. (pp. 27-28)
- Wolfgang Pauli
For the Darwinist (or Christian Darwinist) natural selection is, quite simply, magic. It is not and never could be anything else.
But then, corporatism had not yet imposed itself via its funding of scientific research in the universities.