Atheists & Agnostics
In reply to the discussion: Why do we let New Atheists and religious zealots dominate the conversation about religion? [View all]NeoGreen
(4,033 posts)...
1) Harrkinnnsssss!!!
2) Dawwkisssss!!!
3) Harridawkssss!!
4) Dawkharrrrsss!
Since we ALL know there has to be at least 3 "S"es at the end...
Hmmm....what about...
5) Dennneetttssss!!!
6) Hitchennsssss!!!
or even...
7) DawkHarrDennchenssss!!!!?
Ohhh the possibilities...
And when posted in the "other" place, are they assigned to specific topics?
"Bad people twit words that hurt my fee fees"... Dawkinssssz!!!
"Bad person does a bad thing and hurts my fee fees"... Hitchennnnzszszszsz!!!!
"Bad person completely destroys my irrational argument, rationally, and hurts my fee fees... Dennntttzszszszsz!!!!
"Bad person says I don't need god to be good, and hurts my fee feeessss!!!!!!..... Harrisssszszszszs!!!
Idz godz da sadzzzz feeee feeeesssss!!!!! DawHithDenarrisszszszszs!!
Note to Jury, the above post is full of