Atheists & Agnostics
In reply to the discussion: Been thinking about how much religion has done to my life. [View all]vlyons
(10,252 posts)that there was no God. I am now a Buddhist, which is not a religion, but a practice of training the mind to not be at the effect of negative emotions and illogical beliefs. There is no creator God, no invisible sky god, who waves a magic wand to over-ride the laws of physics and make time flow backwards. There is no physical place of heaven and hell. There was no resurrection, because a 3 day old corpse does not get up and start walking around. All those beliefs are relics of prehistoric peoples before the discoveries of science. Imposing and enforcing religious beliefs and controlling people through fear and punishment is sick. Buddhism does not proselytize or try to convert people. Most Westerners come to Buddhism through their own open-minded curiosity and desire to learn something new.
Having said all of the above, I find value in the teachings of Jesus about practicing peace, forgiveness, generosity, patience, non-judgement, compassion, and loving kindness. To rise above greed, anger, and delusions and to practice ethical morality are the path to true happiness. All sentient beings want to be happy and to not suffer. The most important thing for each of is to just be a good person with a kind and loving heart.