In reply to the discussion: I lost my Mom two weeks ago. She passed away suddenly [View all]hawaii007
(6 posts)Sorry to hear 'bout the passing of your mother this past August 28th. Hearing from others that my family member age 89 lived a long life wasn't healing. Then his Physical Therapist told me death is hard no matter what the person's age was so that comforted me. After my family member died age 89 after having a left hip surgery then at Rehab at the Nursing Home for 28 days (didn't get him walking only wheelchair bound & neglected him leaving him alone with no call button lying down & putting Depends on him when he used the bathroom the normal way) co$ting $1,000 a day! There was no P/T this Nursing Home that put him in the grave. Once I realized that the Nursing Home was SUED by the Gov't then had to repay back $143 Million for lying 'bout doing P/T I had to rescue him even tho' I have reported to the surgeon on a visit (in a wheelchair transport) from the Nursing Home the surgeon insisted he stay for P.T. During P/T I noticed the therapist who had her toddler walking during my loved one's P/T session then walk out not helping him. I visited daily twice a day demanding to know why no P/T so they made excuses then I went to P/T to find out they weren't doing it just going through the motions not having him walk just wheeling him back & forth but no P/T. He wasn't allowed to walk with a walker so only a wheelchair is what they used. I fought for some type of edible food instead of ham & heavily salted french fries with no water or cranberry juice (he had a catheter) it was so difficult. By then, he was confused so unhappy so withdrawn by then he didn't know where he was? Finally I then had to do a "Prison Break" then take him with the help of the paramedics after dialing 911 outside the building when he crumbled in the parking lot after the Nursing Home staff didn't help me put him in the car (the hospital was too far to go with an ambulance in Hawaii) so I drove him there. I raced him back to the same exact hospital he had the hip surgery. The ER doctor got tipped off he was coming so he said he didn't have Pneumonia so he was sent home to die! By then, I found out I was right the ER Doctor lied so he had Pneumonia, bed sores & infections so weak he was dying. The Home Health Nurse checked in then said he would be alright then his leg hurt so I dialed 911 to get him to the hospital to get checked out in our town not the same hospital that did his surgery. The Physical Therapist actually got him walking at the other hospital so I thought he would make it though he was immobilized for 28 days in the Nursing Home. The damage was done. The Hospital then wanted to send him back to the Nursing Home so he was sent home by ambulance then I got him walking daily thinking he would make it then I found him dead so it's so shocking! The Physical Therapist from the agency was coming on Monday so all weekend as I told the nurse who checked on him on Friday he was not able to get up. So he died 18 days after he came home from a Pulmonary Embolism in his left lung which is fatal. The funeral lady asked me why I didn't give him blood thinners which added to my pain since he didn't get any from both hospitals nor the Nursing Home. It's not his age but all of the above that really got to me so I hope you & your sister find comfort in knowing that we should look at the lives your mother & my family member lived & not in their deaths thought after one year it's still hard. I feel for you & your sister. Aloha