Dear Actual Regular Members of HoF: [View all]
There is a troll-y, juvenile, drama-addict that has spent a fair number of posts trashing this group on two different websites. I want to apologize for any part I may have had in this. I stand with this group in your goals and views for the most part, although I am not a member. I do not have the fortitude to take on the crap many of you are constantly dealing with.
I confess to also being a bit weak when it comes to the flamebait that individual (and others) on a probably too-regular basis. I think because one or two times they got their ass handed to them by one or more of you as individuals, as well as my occasional retorts to some of the ridiculous nonsense that gets sprayed around they think I am HoF and HoF is me...or some such warped "logic."
Actually, I see that in a number of other individuals that have chips on their shoulders about anybody confronting sexist bullshit. They think it is all because of HoF. I suppose that could be seen as flattering in some ways, but the bottom line to me is it just confirms a lot of projection, shitty reading comprehension, and need to demonize women in general and THAT is actually kind of frightening.
Anyway, sorry for possibly bringing more nasty behavior from trollish jerks.