Rights blacks have that whites don't; or rights LGBT have that straights don't. They would be awful, extreme right-wing hate speech, which is precisely what the same argument about women having more rights that men is. They are the equivalent to the KKK and Mike Pence, and should be seen as exactly that. There is nothing liberal, left, moderate, or acceptable about such ideas and they don't belong anywhere on a site for Democrats.
I don't get in for the pissing contest going on in GD about women's vs. LGBGT rights. I find it off-putting. But the fact is there is far too much tolerance of hate speech about women. Anyone who articulates such a view should be treated as the social pariah they are.
Note: I still have not seen the DU thread in question, nor do I intend to. Nor do I know who the OP is. I might only hazard a guess. Therefore my comments are not directed at any DUer.
The fact is MRAS and those who advance similar ideas advertise the fact they are complete and total losers who can't compete in a world where women disproportionately live in poverty and 1/3 of us are subject to violence and rape. They won't be happy until that number is 100 percent, and no woman can support herself. I tangled with one such character on DI who completely lost it in a fit of anger that a few women in Hollywood are wealthy. The idea that a woman anywhere was wealthy meant we had too much because we by virtue of birth deserve to have and be less. I'll link to that thread so people can get a sense of the ideas and individuals we are talking about.
http://www.discussionist.com/?com=view_post&forum=1016&pid=82177 (That was all because I commented that the greatest inequalities in education relate to race and class).