Democratic Primaries
In reply to the discussion: Wish it was Joe & not Bernie streaming a compelling Corona Virus Round table right now but its not. [View all]zonkers
(5,865 posts)him... but to continuously bash Bernie after all he has achieved in moving this country to the left. jeez. It's vile. Maybe you don't think so. Frankly, I thought it was a violation of DU policy to talk smack a against a democratic candidate. This is obviously not the case. BTW, the Bern Man not even my first choice as a candidate -- Warren was. I like Bernie. And I like Joe. But I don't like bullies. And I only switched my candidate preference to Bernie after I saw all the attacks on him. And from Duers I have seen on these boards for years. If y'all have a problem with Bernie not folding his tent and shutting the dhow down, then blame the DNC and their rules. Otherwise, respect the effen process. He is still technically a democratic candidate in contention for the nomination and has every right to stay in the race. I really have to think some of the heightened vitriol around here is due to the anxiety related to pandemic crisis.
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden