Demovictory9's JournalCopenhagen's Struggle: Battling the Specter of Swedish Gang Wars
Copenhagens Struggle: Battling the Specter of Swedish Gang Wars
In the quiet, cobblestone streets of Copenhagen, an unnerving specter has emerged, turning the once serene city into the
newest frontier of a raging gang war. The grim silhouette of violence, which has been casting a shadow over Sweden, has now begun to loom over Denmark. The actors in this drama are all too familiar notorious druglords known as the Kurdish Fox and The Greek, whose deadly feud has already turned multiple cities into battlegrounds.
From Peace to Paranoia
Denmark, a nation known for its tranquility and high living standards, is now grappling with a surge of violence that has seen the murder rate spike and explosions echoing through the citys historic quarters. Swedish criminals are believed to be the instigators of these atrocities, crossing the strait into Denmark to expand their reign of terror.
Caught in the crossfire are innocent bystanders, their lives irrevocably altered by the volatile gang war. The once-safe streets are now arenas of fear, with locals living in constant paranoia of the next outbreak of violence.
Children in the Crosshairs
The involvement of children and teenagers in this war both as victims and perpetrators is a troubling development that has further complicated the situation. The childhood innocence of these youngsters is being stolen, replaced by a ruthless indoctrination into the world of organized crime. Their futures, once promising, are now uncertain and fraught with danger
Rightwing National Review runs article regarding Gym Jordan's wrestling scandal Jordan Accused of Playing Word Games on the Ohio State Wrestling Sexual-Abuse Scandal
One big question hanging over Jordans candidacy involves allegations from multiple former Ohio State wrestlers who say that Jordan, while a coach at the university, failed to protect them from a sexually abusive team doctor named Richard Strauss.
My problem with Jimmy is that he has been playing with words instead of supporting us, Doe said. None of us used the words sexual abuse when we talked about what Doc Strauss was doing to us, we just knew it was weird and Jimmy knew about it because we talked about it all the time in the locker room, at practices, everywhere.
I reached out to Dye on Monday to ask about the wrestlers claim that Jordan was playing word games.
NBC reports that a lawyer representing former OSU wrestlers plans to depose Jordan and have him testify under oath that he was unaware that Strauss was abusing students. Jordan would need better answers than his spokesmans pro forma denial in such a deposition.
Jordan, as well as rank-and-file House Republicans, will also need better answers when addressing the court of public opinion. When South Carolina congresswoman Nancy Mace, an early backer of Jordans speakership bid, was asked on CBSs Face the Nation about the allegations against Jordan, she replied: Im not familiar or aware with that.
Oklahoma Judge Exchanged 500 Text Messages with bailiff During Murder Trial
The states top jurist recommended that Traci Soderstrom, a district judge in Lincoln County, be removed from the bench after she and a bailiff mocked lawyers, jurors and witnesses.
An Oklahoma judge who exchanged 500 text messages with her bailiff during a murder trial mocking the physical appearance of lawyers, jurors and witnesses and deriding prosecutors should be removed from the bench, the states top judge said.
In a court filing on Tuesday, M. John Kane IV, the chief justice of the Oklahoma Supreme Court, recommended the removal of Traci Soderstrom, who was elected as district judge in Lincoln County in November and took the bench in January.
Judge Soderstrom, 50, was presiding over a murder trial that began on June 7 when she put her personal cellphone in her lap, out of the view of others in the courtroom, and texted continuously back and forth with the bailiff, according to Chief Justice Kanes petition.
Judge Soderstrom and the bailiff called murder trial witnesses liars, admired the looks of a police officer who was testifying, disparaged the local defense bar, expressed bias in favor of the defendant and displayed gross partiality against the state, Chief Justice Kane wrote.
Guardian veteran cartoonist Steve Bell fired over this cartoon..said to be antisemetic
It's said it harkens to "pound of flesh" phrase from Shakespeare???
George Santos is refunding more money than he's raising, only received $1700 from donors Santos is refunding more money than hes raising
The filing comes as Santos faces legal trouble related in part to his handling of campaign funds and past reports with the FEC.
Embattled Rep. George Santos (R-N.Y.) issued more money in refunds than he took in from donors last quarter, calling into question his ability to run for reelection next year.
His campaign also disclosed debt from last year that was not properly reported at the time or in filings since.
Santos campaign refunded more than $35,000 to donors between July and September while taking in only $1,704 in new donations, according to his latest campaign finance report. His campaign also spent more than $42,000 over the period, $20,000 of which was classified as legal expenses. That left him with less than $23,000 in his campaign account.
The filing also for the first time disclosed more than $120,000 owed to vendors seemingly dating back to 2022 for expenses including election night catering and a mail fundraising program. Campaigns are allowed to take on such debts, but they are supposed to be reported on the filing for that quarter as well as every subsequent filing. A line in Sundays report said Santos current treasurer only became aware of prior debt in the current period. His treasurer did not immediately respond to an inquiry about when the debt was incurred
Switzerland Refuses to Take Sides in Ever More Divided World biggest political party wants to double down on neutrality, just as conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East make a non-aligned stance more difficult to sustain.
The right-wing Swiss Peoples Party, which is set to win the largest share of the vote in elections later this month, is seeking to collect 100,000 signatures by May to trigger a vote on whether to enshrine everlasting neutrality into the constitution. That would allow it to roll back sanctions against Russia that won praise from US President Joe Biden.
The Kremlin, on the other hand, says Switzerland is no longer a neutral state a criticism that touches a nerve with the nation of 8.9 million people.
More than 90% of the population still supports neutrality. For the Swiss, an impartial stance is a national myth of almost religious consecration, according to Edgar Bonjour, who wrote several volumes on the history of neutrality. While Finland recently joined the NATO military alliance and Sweden seeks to do the same, that prospect is unthinkable in Switzerland.
Israelis are grappling with a total breakdown of trust and a collapse of everything they believed in
With a ground invasion into Gaza imminent, Israelis are grappling with a total breakdown of trust and a collapse of everything they believed in and relied on.____
All this is happening amid a total breakdown of trust between the citizens and the state of Israel, and a collapse of everything Israelis believed in and relied on. Initial assessments point to an Israeli intelligence failure before the surprise attack, the failure of a sophisticated border barrier, the militarys slow initial response and a government that seems to have busied itself with the wrong things and now appears largely absent and dysfunctional.
We have woken to a terrible sobriety about whose hands we put our fate in, said Dorit Rabinyan, an author in Tel Aviv. All the time you said to yourself, I am paying half of what I earn in taxes, but it is for security, national security, at least that.
We thought we had military superiority, but theres a feeling that someone up there forgot why he is there, she added, referring to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
In a country of nine million people, where most Jews serve in the army, everybody appears to know somebody who was caught up in the Hamas massacre or who is now on the front line. Your hands tremble each time you answer your phone, Ms. Rabinyan said, for fear of bad tidings.
To restore honor to Israel, said Shai Levy, 37, a tank driver who in civilian life is a rabbi and teacher in a seminary. The citizens are relying on us to defeat Hamas and remove the threat from Gaza once and for all, he said, while stationed in a makeshift camp outside the gate of Beeri, one of the worst-hit villages, where more than 100 people were killed.
Link to paywall free article
Visualization of Gaza population density compared to other places
Sorry...picture posting dropped titles
Top pic is Gaza, 21,000 people per square mile
Middle left = Dhaka, Bangladesh, 80,000 people per square mile
Bottom left = Los Angeles, 5800 people per square mile
Middle right = Tel Aviv, Israel
Bottom right= DC
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