tanyev's JournalWhen an unstoppable farce meets an immovable offensive.
Woking up is hard to do.
The WSJ got anything to say about Trump's energy and availability?
Or are they helpfully paraphrasing his nonsensical argle-bargle as "The president-elect expressed his irritation with [insert issue du jour] in forceful terms on social media."
I hope they have plenty of fainting couches and smelling salts in their break rooms.
They're the ones who insisted on treating the election as a race between two equivalent candidates who merely had differing philosophies.
I have mixed feelings about defining it in such an intellectual way.
I mean, hes correct, but mostly its a bunch of assholes wanting to burn everything down. And hardly any of them would interested in or capable of describing what theyre doing in the manner of this article.
How the worm turns.
The convention of the American Council of Christian Churches April 28 unanimously passed a resolution disapproving a Catholic as President. The resolution said, in part, The present accusation of bigotry by Kennedy supporters and others we believe is an effort to silence those who are raising pertinent questions relative to our historic American heritage of separation of church and state. Therefore, the American Council of Christian Churches goes on record as being opposed to a Roman Catholic for President.
The National Assn. of Evangelicals April 29 adopted a resolution expressing doubt that a Catholic President could or would resist fully the pressures of the ecclesiastical hierarchy . The real source of unrest in respect to church-state separation is the total lack of any convincing commitment of the Roman Catholic Church to the principle of church-state separation .
The American Lutheran Magazine April 19 called for an official declaration by the Roman Catholic Church that its traditional position of union or collaboration of church and state did not apply to the United States.
Good article. Love this paragraph:
Their directors cut of his wandering mind. Thats perfect.
Yes. A lot of reasons get mentioned for our dismal media--
complicity, right wing owners, the profit of clickbait, laziness, newstainmentbut another one I think should be mentioned is an obsession with inside baseball.
Something happens and then a lot of pundits want to show off how much they know about politics and how many important contacts they have by instantly going to how this will affect the election in District X, behind the scenes gossip of how it happened, or what kind of a bind this will create for Democrats, etc.
As the article said, this is what they focus on instead of addressing problems and how they can or are being solved.
Right, just like all the doctors marveled at his understanding of Covid.
THE PRESIDENT: And, by the way, NIH, what theyve done I spent time over there and I like this stuff.You know, my uncle was a great person. He was at MIT. He taught at MIT for, I think, like a record number of years. He was a great super genius. Dr. John Trump.
I like this stuff. I really get it. People are surprised that I understand it. Every one of these doctors said, How do you know so much about this? Maybe I have a natural ability. Maybe I should have done that instead of running for President.
The Dark Triad
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