wolfie001's JournalAnyone else notice that the gas and oil companies are colluding with the orange fatso to keep gas prices low?
Those pieces of shit companies jammed Biden with high prices his entire term. And still the market did great. Nasty mf'ers.
We used to have someone do a "Stock Market Watch"
I'm not a financial person. More like someone who squirrels away acorns. Just curious. Down 1300 pts. in 2 days.
Winston Churchill leaving the WH during WW2
Mag-Rat's boyfriend can go fuck himself. Flaming POS.
Hi Folks!!!
I hope everyone's doing OK during this crazy fat orange-clown era. Hey, quick question: I remember donating anonymously my Valentine's hearts in the past. Is there a page/forum where we can just send them and the algorithm will take care of it? I jump into DU, read, post comments then leave. I'd prefer to just donate them. I have 25 right now. Help?
This Pic pretty much sums up the whole "Watermelon Movement"
Makes me want to laugh and cry at once. Not happy tears either.
So I saw a quick clip of that asshole Joe Rogaine on Instagram....
....and he was bad-mouthing Gov. Newsome about discussing repurposing the land of the fire dispossessed (to developers, speculators) and I thought, gee, that clip of Newsome seems off. Like it was edited deliberately to misinform so I did just a bit of digging and quickly found this "gem" from a day or two earlier. Hmmmm:
***Motherfucker zucker was on with the fucker just the other day. Maybe that's why zucker doesn't want fact-checking. He wants to sandbag Newsome early.
Guess What? Here's some Ohio Nazis
Recognize anyone? I hope they have the day they deserve.
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Name: SteveGender: Male
Hometown: Maryland
Home country: USA
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Member since: Thu Dec 27, 2007, 11:25 AM
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