Upthevibe's JournalIf a classic movie was done with an actor/actress from
today's timeline, who would you chose to play the part?
I'll go first:
It's A Wonderful Life: George Bailey - Tom Hanks
(And I'm not saying anything should be remade or anything like that. This is just for fun)....
I'm rooting for the Bills...
The challenge is one of my best friends is a major K.C. fan. Hell, I am too. I'd just like to see the bills finally win a super bowl.
We'll probably be watching the game together so i'm going to need to keep my real feelings in check.....
Book: Bringers of the Dawn...
I read this book while 9/11 was happening!
It blew my mind. I have no idea where my book is now. I don't have room to have all of my books out in my small space so it's in a box somewhere in one of my closets. The book spoke about 9/11 and was written in 1992.
Is anyone familiar with this book? if so, do you know what chapter and what page she (I think it's channeled by Barbara Marciniak from The Pleiadians) talked about 9/11?
Thanks for any help ....
Automatic Writing (creativity)....
Does anyone have any techniques to help stimulate this process? (I'll also post in the Lounge).
Automatic writing (creative)........
Does anyone have any techniques to help stimulate this process? (I'll also post in the Spirituality forum)..
Even though I'm in an area that's normally safe (from the fires)
I just got back from gassing up the car and getting cash from the ATM......And, as mentioned before, my go-bag is ready.....
My friend and I saw Jill Biden today at
the Century City Plaza shopping complex!
We were walking (it's outdoors) towards the movie theatre and she and her security agents walked right passed us. I looked right at her and thought to myself, "man that looks like Jill Biden!" Sure enough, my friend grabbed my arm and said "That's Jill Biden!" She was walking kind of fast and had probably around six-seven security people with her.
A thrill for both of us....
Alight to all you Beatle fan DU'ers.....
I was wondering which is your favorite solo song. Probably, as many others, Imagine (John) has been mine.
In the past year, I just discovered, Beware of Darkness (George). My God....It may be tied with Imagine now......
I have a question regarding transitioning....
I spoke with an old friend today whom I've recently (over the past three years) connected with. We've known each other practically our entire lives (we're both now 67 y.o.) She lives in a Red state with her husband (her second and a GREAT guy). We were all born and raised in that state and thank God I got out in '88 and NEVER looked back. They'd love to move to a Blue state (Colorado) but her adult kids (from her first husband) live in the Red state and she doesn't want to leave them.
They found out a couple of weeks ago that his only child (from his first marriage) is transitioning from male to female. They were really taken aback. One of their main concerns is the man/woman (around 28 years old) said they are getting their medication from someone other than a doctor.
Do folks do this? Are there people that sell the meds (I guess on the black market)? Is this dangerous? I wasn't able to get a lot of details because she can't really talk until Monday. Our other childhood friends are Jesus Freak trumpsters.
Can anyone give me some feedback? Thank you..
Grave of the Fireflies.....(On Netflix).....
I've heard about this animated masterpiece for years (it came out in '88)....I decided to watch it this morning....
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Name: KayGender: Female
Hometown: Redondo Beach
Home country: United States
Current location: California
Member since: Sat Feb 13, 2016, 08:27 PM
Number of posts: 9,369